Home Entertainment Elizabeth Hurley responds to ongoing speculation that she is the mystery older woman who took teenage Prince Harry’s virginity and ‘treated him like a stallion’ behind a Wiltshire pub

Elizabeth Hurley responds to ongoing speculation that she is the mystery older woman who took teenage Prince Harry’s virginity and ‘treated him like a stallion’ behind a Wiltshire pub

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Elizabeth Hurley has laughed off persistent speculation that she is the older woman responsible for claiming the virginity of teenage Prince Harry (pictured with her son Damian).

Elizabeth Hurley has laughed off persistent speculation that she is the older woman responsible for claiming Prince Harry’s virginity after he documented their first sexual encounter in his best-selling memoir.

In the explosive 2023 release Spare, the Duke of Sussex told how his unnamed first lover treated him like a “young stud” and detailed how the passionate exchange took place in a field behind a “busy pub” in Wiltshire.

Sasha Walpole, 40, a mother of two and just two years older than Harry, has since said she was his unnamed lover after meeting the young prince while working as a stable boy for King Charles, then Prince of Wales. at his Gloucestershire estate, Highgrove.

But the admission has not stopped furious speculation about the torrid encounter and the possible identity of her first lover, with some pointing the finger at Hurley, 58.

Addressing the rumors Wednesday night during an appearance on Watch What Happens Live, the actress flatly denied having any association with royalty.

Elizabeth Hurley has laughed off persistent speculation that she is the older woman responsible for claiming the virginity of teenage Prince Harry (pictured with her son Damian).

Elizabeth Hurley has laughed off persistent speculation that she is the older woman responsible for claiming the virginity of teenage Prince Harry (pictured with her son Damian).

Prince Harry photographed months before his 17th birthday in July 2001 at the Cirencester Polo Club.

Prince Harry photographed months before his 17th birthday in July 2001 at the Cirencester Polo Club.

Prince Harry photographed months before his 17th birthday in July 2001 at the Cirencester Polo Club.

‘That was ridiculous!’ he told host Andy Cohen. “He said, ‘She was English. She was older than me. She was in Gloucestershire.” And they said, “Ah, this is Elizabeth.” IIt was absurd. “It was ridiculous.”

And he added: “It was like saying: ‘He’s very handsome. He’s American. ‘Oh, it’s Andy Cohen. I’ve never met him in my life!’

The actress was previously asked about the rumor during an interview with the Saturday schedules magazine.

When asked if the rumor that it was her is true, Liz replied: ‘Not me. Not guilty. Ha!’ before going on to add ‘No. I don’t. Absolutely not’.

In 2001, the royal was still a student at Eton College in Windsor when one of the royal family’s bodyguards, Marko, paid her a visit.

At the beginning of the meeting, Prince Harry says he suspected Marko had heard about the one-night stand, which he described as a “humiliating” experience.

Over lunch in a city center cafe, the bodyguard, who had a “somber look” on his face, told the Prince that he had been sent to “find out the truth.”

The now father-of-two wrote: “I suspected she was referring to my recent loss of virginity, a humiliating episode with an older woman who liked male horses and who treated me like a young stallion.”

In the explosive 2023 release Spare, the Duke of Sussex told how his unnamed first lover treated him like a 'young stud'.

In the explosive 2023 release Spare, the Duke of Sussex told how his unnamed first lover treated him like a 'young stud'.

In the explosive 2023 release Spare, the Duke of Sussex told how his unnamed first lover treated him like a ‘young stud’.

Addressing the rumors Wednesday night during an appearance on Watch What Happens Live, the actress flatly denied having any association with Royals.

Addressing the rumors Wednesday night during an appearance on Watch What Happens Live, the actress flatly denied having any association with Royals.

Addressing the rumors Wednesday night during an appearance on Watch What Happens Live, the actress flatly denied having any association with Royals.

1712249137 758 Elizabeth Hurley responds to ongoing speculation that she is the

1712249137 758 Elizabeth Hurley responds to ongoing speculation that she is the

Elizabeth insisted she had never met the prince and described rumors of an affair as “ridiculous”.

‘I mounted her quickly, after which she slapped me on the bottom and dismissed me. One of my many mistakes was letting it happen in a field, right behind a busy pub. No doubt someone had seen us.

However, the real reason Marko was sent to check on Harry was because King Charles’ press office had been informed that a newspaper had evidence of his drug use, which Harry said was “all lies.”

Three years after his encounter with the unnamed older woman, Prince Harry began dating Chelsea Davy.

Ex-royal boyfriend Walpole has since claimed to be the woman in question and reveals that it was Harry who made the first move, leading to their “spontaneous and sparkling” sex in a field behind The Vine Tree pub in the village of Norton, in Wiltshire.

And, in a farcical tone, he says that his bodyguard was looking for him in a borrowed Ford Fiesta at the time.

Walpole, now a mother of two who drives diggers for a living, had invited Harry, then a 16-year-old Eton schoolboy (not 17 as suggested in Spare), to the pub to celebrate his 19th birthday.

Sasha Walpole, a mother of two who at 40 is just two years older than Harry, has claimed to be the anonymous woman who took Harry's virginity in a field behind a Wiltshire pub.

Sasha Walpole, a mother of two who at 40 is just two years older than Harry, has claimed to be the anonymous woman who took Harry's virginity in a field behind a Wiltshire pub.

Sasha Walpole, a mother of two who at 40 is just two years older than Harry, has claimed to be the anonymous woman who took Harry’s virginity in a field behind a Wiltshire pub.

Walpole, Harry and their friends joke around at the Beaufort Polo Club, near Tetbury, Gloucestershire, in 2001.

Walpole, Harry and their friends joke around at the Beaufort Polo Club, near Tetbury, Gloucestershire, in 2001.

Walpole, Harry and their friends joke around at the Beaufort Polo Club, near Tetbury, Gloucestershire, in 2001.

When the last orders were given, the young prince asked, “Should we go smoke?” and crawled to an adjacent field to smoke a cigarette out of sight of their security team.

“He started kissing me,” she told the Daily Mail. “It was passionate, intense. We both knew it. He went from a kiss to the floor pretty quickly.

‘It was instant, hot, bam, bam, between two friends! It was sparkling because we shouldn’t have done it. He wasn’t ‘Prince Harry’ to me, this was Harry, my friend, and the situation had gotten a little out of hand.

“I guess I felt bad, in the sense that it shouldn’t be happening.”

And he added: “We didn’t set out to do it, it wasn’t premeditated and I didn’t know he was a virgin.” There were no virgin vibes: he seemed to know what he was doing. It was fast, wild and exciting. We were both drunk. It wouldn’t have happened if we weren’t.

1712249137 416 Elizabeth Hurley responds to ongoing speculation that she is the

1712249137 416 Elizabeth Hurley responds to ongoing speculation that she is the

“He said, ‘She was English. She was older than me. She was in Gloucestershire.” And they said, “Oh, I’m Elizabeth,” the actress told host Andy Cohen on Wednesday night.

1712249137 276 Elizabeth Hurley responds to ongoing speculation that she is the

1712249137 276 Elizabeth Hurley responds to ongoing speculation that she is the

“It was like saying, ‘He’s very handsome. He’s American. ‘Oh, it’s Andy Cohen. I’ve never met him in my life!’ she added

In Spare, Harry writes that it was “a quick trip, after which she slapped my bottom and sent me out to pasture.”

‘I don’t mind him saying that because it’s really not very glorious, is it? “We were drunk and having sex in a field,” she said.

“It’s his sense of humor. (We were part of) a massive horse scene and the slap happened in a horse context, the book is a fun interpretation of that.

‘Your description is accurate; The real surprise when I saw what he had written was how true it was. That’s what set me back the most. I’m not offended.

‘Then I grabbed her butt and slapped her. I also gave him a little squeeze. She had a peach colored butt. I don’t know about the stallion; I think that had more to do with the fact that she worked with horses.’

She added: ‘To tell the truth, he didn’t make sure I was happy. He was young. It’s not until you’re older that you understand those things. “It was really just a moment of passion.”

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