Home Australia Elise Hodder death: How she achieved her dream just days before being run over at a rave party

Elise Hodder death: How she achieved her dream just days before being run over at a rave party

Elise Hodder, 24, was with a group of friends at a rave party at Sir Zelman Cowen Park in Kooyong, Melbourne's inner east, when she was allegedly hit by a reversing car about 1.10am. Sunday.

A young model had celebrated a six-page photo shoot she did for a major New York fashion magazine just a week before she was allegedly run over and killed.

Elise Hodder, 24, was with a group of friends at a rave party at Sir Zelman Cowen Park in Kooyong, Melbourne’s inner east, when she was allegedly hit by a reversing car about 1.10am. Sunday.

Connor Matthiasson, 23, of Sunbury, is alleged to have attempted to reverse out of the parking lot when he struck three pedestrians.

Mrs Hodder was trapped under the car and died at the scene.

Another pedestrian, 26 years old, was rushed to Alfred Hospital, where she underwent emergency surgery to reconstruct both ankles. The third pedestrian hit was uninjured.

Ms Hodder had just a week ago shared snaps from a photo shoot she did for New York-based fashion publication Vanguard Magazine.

It appeared on six full pages of the magazine’s August issue, which was photographed by Jeremy Orr.

Mr Orr was also hit by the car on Sunday morning, but was not injured.

Elise Hodder, 24, was with a group of friends at a rave party at Sir Zelman Cowen Park in Kooyong, Melbourne’s inner east, when she was allegedly hit by a reversing car about 1.10am. Sunday.

Connor Matthiasson (pictured) has been charged with culpable driving resulting in death, dangerous driving resulting in death, negligence causing serious injury and driving without a licence.

Connor Matthiasson (pictured) has been charged with culpable driving resulting in death, dangerous driving resulting in death, negligence causing serious injury and driving without a licence.

Matthiasson was subsequently charged with culpable driving resulting in death, dangerous driving resulting in death, negligence causing serious injury and driving without a licence.

He was granted bail at his second court appearance on Tuesday.

He was allegedly behind the wheel without a valid permit, which expired in July, and underwent a preliminary breathalyzer test that returned a positive result of 0.178, more than three times the legal limit.

It is also alleged that Matthiasson had cannabis in his system.

Granting bail, Magistrate Donna Bakos said the young man’s father had offered a $100,000 guarantee and police agreed the risks could be mitigated.

Under the conditions of his release, Matthiasson will lose his passport, will not be able to drive and will comply with treatment programs.

Bakos said police presented the case against Matthiasson as “strong and, once convicted, the likely sentence is a long prison term.”

‘The applicant made the decision to drive to the rave party. “He made the decision to drink and take drugs, and these decisions have had consequences,” police allege.

In their application, police admitted there were “tribal issues” in their case, namely that two passengers in Matthiasson’s car at the time of the incident had different accounts.

Ms Bakos told the court Matthiasson was allegedly leaving an illegal rave when he “accelerated really hard” while reversing his 2009 Holden Commodore.

“Due to the steering movement, the Holden collided with a Haval SUV parked next to it (and) continued to travel in reverse and collided with a pedestrian,” Ms Bakos said.

‘This person suffered minor injuries. Witnesses in the area then yelled at the plaintiff who had run over a pedestrian.

Ms Hodder had just a week ago shared snaps from a six-page editorial photo shoot she did with Vanguard magazine.

Ms Hodder had just a week ago shared snaps from a six-page editorial photo shoot she did with Vanguard magazine.

‘(Matthiasson) accelerated heavily, pushing the Holden forward (and) then hit two more pedestrians before colliding with the Haval again.

‘The applicant (Matthiasson) has no relevant criminal record, no traffic offences, no bail record.

“He has a strong, supportive family that he can live with and is being offered significant security (as well as) bail conditions.”

Matthiasson’s leading criminal lawyer, George Balot, said his client wanted to convey his condolences to Hodder’s family.

‘He would like to express his deepest condolences to the family of the deceased and the pedestrian at the hospital. “I am instructed to extend my deepest condolences to the family during this difficult time,” Mr Balot said.

“My client is relieved to be released on bail and receiving the treatment he so desperately needs.”

On Monday, the 23-year-old’s father told Melbourne Magistrates Court he was unaware of his son’s alleged cannabis use, but said his mother’s suicide seven years ago took a heavy toll on the then-teenager. .

“They were very close,” he told the court.

Outside court, the father told reporters he felt sorry for Mrs Hodder’s family.

“It’s devastating, absolutely devastating, I really can’t… and I don’t know what to say,” she said.

Matthiasson’s lawyer, George Balot, added: “The family extends its deepest condolences to this woman’s family and a speedy recovery to the other injured woman.”

Matthiasson admitted in court that he had not seen his son in person since Christmas, but agreed to supervise him 24/7 and would provide a $100,000 guarantee.

Meanwhile, there was no shortage of tributes to the young model and lifeguard.

It is understood she had just arrived at the rave when she was allegedly hit by the car.

Tributes have poured in for the 24-year-old model and lifeguard.

Tributes have poured in for the 24-year-old model and lifeguard.

‘She was simply a beautiful, beautiful soul with a radiance that moved everyone. His presence, respect for others and calmness is what the world was lucky to have,” his parents, Michael and Pauline, said at the time. Herald of the sun.

‘Our hearts are broken but dedicated to supporting the family and friends. Destroyed, but your smile and your heartbeat will always be with us.’

Hodder and Matthiasson are believed to have attended the rave but did not know each other.

Police had been to the rave following noise complaints and witnessed the alleged incident.

Orr shared a heartfelt tribute to Hodder, saying his death didn’t “feel real.”

‘In the short time I knew you, you touched my heart and carried a heavy portion. “You were truly the kindest, sweetest, loving, generous, friendly, loving, soft, strong and beautiful (inside and out),’ the photographer wrote on Instagram.

“I can’t believe and would never have thought I would be writing this and we are hurting so much thinking about you and the fact that we will never see your amazing smile and hear your laugh again.

‘This doesn’t seem real and I hope you know how much we all love you! You are a true treasure, unique.

‘We will miss you so much, beautiful, we are devastated.’

Hodder’s agency, FiveTwenty Model Management, described the 24-year-old as “a pleasure to work with.”

“She was very curious about the industry and gave it her all, always appearing with a cheerful and bright attitude,” the agency said in a statement.

‘It is with deep sadness to have received this news. Our deepest condolences to his family and friends.

‘His presence and place in our hearts will never be forgotten. Rest in peace beautiful girl.’

The court was told that Matthiasson had previously been charged with intentional damage, but was sentenced without conviction in October 2023.

He will be back in court next year on February 17.

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