Home Australia Eight ‘magic’ questions that reveal a man’s soul: Think you’ve met Mr Right? Our certified dating guru shows how to unearth his true character – and whether he’ll being you happiness or heartbreak

Eight ‘magic’ questions that reveal a man’s soul: Think you’ve met Mr Right? Our certified dating guru shows how to unearth his true character – and whether he’ll being you happiness or heartbreak

Louanne Ward, a certified relationship expert with two decades of experience, says that while many don't feel it's necessary

A master matchmaker has revealed the crucial questions every woman should ask herself to determine if the new man in her life is “the one.”

Louanne Ward, a certified relationship expert with two decades of experience, says that while many don’t feel it’s necessary to “go deeper” at the beginning of a romantic connection, she believes asking the right questions from the beginning can save a lot of heartache. on the track.

Louanne also has a second set of questions a woman should ask herself as soon as a relationship becomes exclusive, which will help determine compatibility in seven key areas of life.

In the first part of the FEMAIL series, Louanne reveals the “golden” questions to ask yourself in the early days that will give you an immediate idea of ​​whether you are the right partner. These questions apply to all relationships regardless of age, meaning they are just as relevant to a woman in her twenties as they are to a woman over 50.

Part 1: The early phases of dating

The goal in the first three months is to ask questions that lead to spontaneous and honest answers, where they don’t just tell you what they think you want to hear and that don’t sound like an interrogation.

These questions are designed to help you get to the heart of what matters most to you in a relationship, without putting the other person on the spot. They encourage genuine responses that reveal whether the basic framework for a lasting relationship exists.

Whether it’s aligning values, understanding lifestyle priorities, or gauging readiness for commitment, these questions will help you quickly determine if this person has the potential to be the right match for you, saving you from investing time in a relationship. which, ultimately, is a dead end.

Louanne Ward, a certified relationship expert with two decades of experience, says that while many don’t feel it’s necessary to “go deeper” at the beginning of a romantic connection, she believes asking the right questions from the beginning can save you a lot. of pain on the track

1. If you were giving advice to someone who wanted to get to know you better, what would it be?

This fun but insightful question can help you better understand your self-awareness and what you consider essential in a relationship. It also shows how they perceive themselves and their needs in an association.

2. What is a habit or trait you have that might make dating a challenge?

This question is designed to get the other person to honestly share something about themselves that could be a potential challenge in a relationship. It opens the door for them to reveal quirks, habits, or personality traits that might not match everyone’s preferences, allowing you to evaluate whether it’s something you can handle.

3. What are your top priorities right now and where do you focus your attention?

This allows you to find out if they are ready for a relationship without asking directly. By asking about your current priorities and focus, you can assess whether your life is aligned with creating space for a serious relationship.

If their focus is too much on personal goals, careers, or other activities that leave little room for a relationship, it could indicate that they are not ready for one.

Conversely, if your priorities include relationships, connection, or building a life with someone, it suggests that you are open and ready to invest in a partnership.

'The main factor that breaks a relationship is lack of trust. Trust is the foundation of any healthy and lasting relationship.

‘The main factor that breaks a relationship is lack of trust. Trust is the foundation of any healthy and lasting relationship,” said Louanne.

4. What do you think is the most underrated quality in a partner?

This question delves into their deepest values ​​and what they really value in a relationship, which might not be obvious in more superficial discussions.

5. What do people often misunderstand about you?

This encourages them to reflect on how they are perceived and who they really are, offering them a glimpse into their deeper selves and any potential areas where misunderstandings may arise in a relationship.

6. What is a belief or principle that you would never give up, even for someone you love?

This highlights your core values ​​and boundaries, providing a clearer picture of potential deal-breakers. If they have no boundaries or low self-esteem, it should appear in this question.

7. What do you think are the main reasons why most current relationships don’t last?

This question is open-ended and encourages the other person to share their views on why modern relationships fail.

Their answer will give you insight into their understanding of relationship dynamics, their values, and whether they are aware of common mistakes that can lead to relationship breakdowns.

It also allows you to see if their thinking aligns with yours on key issues such as communication, commitment and trust.

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“In the early stages of a relationship, it is essential to observe whether a potential partner demonstrates trustworthy behavior,” Louanne said.

8. What do you think is the number one deciding factor?

There is really only one correct answer to this: the main factor that breaks a relationship is a lack of trust.

Trust is the foundation of any healthy and lasting relationship. Without it, everything else begins to fall apart, communication fails, intimacy fades, and doubts begin to arise.

Trust is what allows you to feel safe with each other, share your vulnerabilities, and grow together.

If trust is broken, whether through dishonesty, infidelity, or repeated unreliability, rebuilding it becomes incredibly difficult. The effort required to restore trust is often enormous, and even when it is repaired, the relationship is rarely the same.

This is why many people find it difficult to stay in a relationship where trust has been compromised.

Key takeaway:

In addition to asking these questions of your new partner, it is also essential in the early stages of the relationship to observe whether your partner demonstrates trustworthy behavior.

Do they fulfill their commitments/actions?

Are they honest about their intentions?

Can you trust them to be consistent?

Asking yourself these questions can help you determine whether a relationship has the potential to be built on a solid foundation of trust or is likely to face significant challenges in the future.

Without trust, the relationship is likely to be riddled with insecurity and doubt, making it the deal-breaker for most people.

It’s coming next week… Second part: The exclusive scenario

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