Home Entertainment EastEnders expands set with new homes and shops as it redevelops former BBC Elstree Center location

EastEnders expands set with new homes and shops as it redevelops former BBC Elstree Center location

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EastEnders is working to expand its set with photos on Wednesday showing new houses and shops being built at its old location.

EastEnders is working to expand its set with pictures on Wednesday showing new houses and shops being built at its old location.

Filming began on the new set, which is located a stone’s throw from the old location at the BBC’s Elstree Center in Borehamwood, back in January 2022.

The expansion plans were revealed last year following the demolition of the former Albert Square to make way for a new development.

The expansion involves new structures and facades, including a new warehouse location and a collection of shops and houses.

Aerial photographs show a huge metal structure under construction in the center of the land, with a new restaurant or pub with a green facade.

EastEnders is working to expand its set with photos on Wednesday showing new houses and shops being built at its old location.

Filming began on the new set (pictured), which is located a stone's throw from the old location at the BBC's Elstree Center in Borehamwood, back in January 2022.

Filming began on the new set (pictured), which is located a stone’s throw from the old location at the BBC’s Elstree Center in Borehamwood, back in January 2022.

Bosses are reportedly planning to expand Walford further and create dozens of filming locations closer by.

The new improved set also allows the soap opera to be filmed in HD.

Last summer, it was reported that the BBC was planning to transform the old set into a shipping container area to support filming on plans to expand Walford.

Although the soap only intended to use the original set for two years, it was the home of EastEnders for an impressive 37 years of filming.

The flash showed a new Queen Vic pub and Albert Square, all built in an almost identical configuration.

The £87m set will be completed in 2022 after Five years of work hampered by the coronavirus pandemic and backlash over rising costs, and the project was originally scheduled to be completed in August 2018.

Earlier this year, it was claimed that employers had huge multi-million dollar plans to expand their set with a new backlot.

The plans showed three new sets in total, according to documents obtained by Sun.

The expansion plans were revealed last year following the demolition of the former Albert Square to make way for a new development.

The expansion plans were revealed last year following the demolition of the former Albert Square to make way for a new development.

The expansion involves new structures and facades, including a new warehouse location and a collection of shops and homes.

The expansion involves new structures and facades, including a new warehouse location and a collection of shops and homes.

Aerial photographs show a huge metal structure under construction in the center of the land, with a new restaurant or pub with a green facade.

Aerial photographs show a huge metal structure under construction in the center of the land, with a new restaurant or pub with a green facade.

Bosses are reportedly planning to expand Walford further and create dozens of filming locations closer by.

Bosses are reportedly planning to expand Walford further and create dozens of filming locations closer by.

Last summer, it was reported that the BBC was planning to transform the old set into a shipping container area to support filming on plans to expand Walford.

Last summer, it was reported that the BBC was planning to transform the old set into a shipping container area to support filming on plans to expand Walford.

There were plans to add three new sets in total, according to documents obtained by The Sun.

There were plans to add three new sets in total, according to documents obtained by The Sun.

In the proposals, there was a large warehouse, a collection of shops and houses and an area with nine shipping containers where the old Albert Square used to be, the publication claimed.

In the proposals, there was a large warehouse, a collection of shops and houses and an area with nine shipping containers where the old Albert Square used to be, the publication claimed.

A source said:

A source said: “Bosses don’t want the old set to go to waste when there is so much that can be done with it for Walford.”

Included in the proposals were a new large warehouse, a complex of shops and houses and an area with nine shipping containers where the old Albert Square used to be, the publication states.

Orchard and park areas will also reportedly be expanded, providing more outdoor green space for filming and reducing the need for off-site filming.

A source said: “Bosses don’t want the old set to go to waste when there is so much that can be done with it for Walford.”

“It’s going to open up the world of soap opera even more for there to be more drama and more high-stakes stories.”

“Corrie and Emmerdale have huge sets and expansions and with this there is no danger of EastEnders being left behind.”

When contacted by MailOnline at the time, a BBC spokesperson said: “These plans are part of the ongoing redevelopment of the Elstree site and fit within the existing budget set in 2018.”

The new development forms part of the BBC's £87 million budget set out in 2018, which was part of an investment in the wider BBC Elstree Center site.

The new development forms part of the BBC’s £87 million budget set out in 2018, which was part of an investment in the wider BBC Elstree Center site.

At the time, the station was accused of

At the time, the station was accused of “scandalously overspending” license fee money.

The new development forms part of the BBC’s £87 million budget set out in 2018, which was part of an investment in the wider BBC Elstree Center site.

At the time, the broadcaster was accused of “scandalously overspending” cash in license fees.

It was £27 million more than the original budget and the project was expected to be almost five years behind schedule.

The BBC was accused of “complacency” over the staggering £87m bill for its new EastEnders set in March 2020.

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