Home US Donald Trump plans to ‘greenlight’ Putin’s progress in Ukraine and could cut funding entirely, says former CIA chief John Brennan as Zelensky invites former president to visit kyiv

Donald Trump plans to ‘greenlight’ Putin’s progress in Ukraine and could cut funding entirely, says former CIA chief John Brennan as Zelensky invites former president to visit kyiv

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Zelensky has met with US President Joe Biden on numerous occasions since the invasion of Russia began; The couple is shown here in February 2024.

Former CIA Director John Brennan has warned that if Donald Trump is elected again in November, he will severely cut funding for military aid to Ukraine, which would serve as a “green light” for Putin’s expansion plans throughout Europe.

Those comments, made in an interview. with Belgian television, comes as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says political who has publicly and not publicly invited Trump to visit the front lines of the war.

Zelensky told the website that Trump is interested in the idea but is unsure when he might make the visit. The president rejected the idea floated by many, including Trump, that the invasion would involve handing over parts of Ukraine to Putin.

“If the agreement is that we simply give up our territories, and that is the idea behind it, then it is a very primitive idea,” Zelensky said.

‘We said that we would like Donald Trump to come to Ukraine, see everything with his own eyes and draw his own conclusions. In any case, I am willing to meet with him and discuss the matter.’

Zelensky has met with US President Joe Biden on numerous occasions since the invasion of Russia began; The couple is shown here in February 2024.

Zelensky has said that Trump expressed interest in coming to Ukraine to see the front, but that no date has been set for any proposed visit.

Zelensky has said that Trump expressed interest in coming to Ukraine to see the front, but that no date has been set for any proposed visit.

Meanwhile, Brennan illustrated how Trump could thwart Ukraine’s war effort by ordering U.S. intelligence officials to stop helping their counterparts, as well as cutting aid.

And that would give Vladimir Putin the green light to try to almost swallow Ukraine. And unfortunately, I think it will encourage Vladimir Putin to look hungrily at the rest of Europe,” Brennan said.

‘The future of Ukraine and Europe will be more secure if Joe Biden is elected. “If Donald Trump is elected, that will change everything and raise serious questions about America’s willingness to resist Russian aggression in the future.”

Just this week, British Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron appeared to fail in his mission to convince Trump to tell the pro-Putin wing of the Republican Party to support the latest aid package to Ukraine that has stalled in the Congress.

In the past, Cameron has insulted Trump’s intelligence and called him a “misogynist” and “xenophobe.”

Brennan, who was relieved of his post shortly after Trump took office in 2017, went on to say that the Republican front-runner doesn’t understand the importance of NATO.

‘We could see in particular that he did not understand the importance of the United States’ relationships with our foreign allies and partners. “It has little recognition for the transatlantic relationship, for NATO.”

At a campaign rally in February, Trump made it clear that he would not protect his fellow NATO members from Russian aggression, going so far as to say that he would encourage Putin to “do whatever he wants.”

Former CIA Director John Brennan was ousted by Trump in 2017 and says the former Apprentice host doesn't understand the importance of the US-NATO relationship.

Former CIA Director John Brennan was ousted by Trump in 2017 and says the former Apprentice host doesn’t understand the importance of the US-NATO relationship.

Brennan says that if the United States withdraws its funding for Ukraine, this will serve as

Brennan says that if the United States withdraws its funding for Ukraine, this will serve as a “green light” for Putin to do whatever he wants.

In his interview with Politico, Zelensky said he was optimistic that the aid package would come to fruition.

Brennan also mentioned President Joe Biden’s age and his recent mistakes, but said the recent State of the Union address dispelled any fears about his mental competence.

The former CIA director went on to say that Biden is “increasingly frustrated and increasingly less tolerant of Israeli military aggression in Gaza” and said the Scranton native would pressure Netanyahu’s government to seek a peace deal.

“Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed or injured in this conflict,” Brennan said.

Finally, Brennan said he was “horrified” by the “dishonest” Republicans who continue to support Trump despite his violent and divisive rhetoric.

‘Unfortunately, Donald Trump and some of his supporters continue to use flowery language that sometimes incites violence. Donald Trump, for example, spoke of a bloodbath if Joe Biden were re-elected.’

‘In the United States, the potential for violence is fueled by politicians who attempt to instill fear in citizens. “This concerns me and other members of the national security community.”

Early in the interview, Brennan said that in 2016, Trump refused to believe that Russian agents had impacted the results of the presidential election.

In his interview with Politico, Zelensky also addressed that issue, arguing that Russia is deforming “the world’s information field.”

‘They spread their narratives through the media. These are not Russian citizens or natives of Russia, no. They are representatives of certain media groups, citizens of the United States. “They are the ones who give the appropriate messages in the media, sometimes very pro-Russian,” said the president.

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