Home US Donald Trump Jr. slams Paris Olympics opening ceremony as ‘seemingly satanic’ and issues chilling warning about ‘leftist madness’

Donald Trump Jr. slams Paris Olympics opening ceremony as ‘seemingly satanic’ and issues chilling warning about ‘leftist madness’

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A scene from the Olympic opening ceremony where drag queens paid homage to The Last Supper sparked controversy and a backlash from Christians on social media

Donald Trump Jr. has joined a growing backlash against a portion of the Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony that featured drag queens in a pattern similar to Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper.”

Former President Donald Trump’s son criticized the performance as “seemingly Satanic.”

‘My mother was an Olympian (on the Czech national ski team) and when we were children we were excited in the weeks leading up to the games.

‘Now, with the ever-predictable (and seemingly satanic to me) drag queen opening ceremonies and endless nonsense, no one I know even thinks about it beyond maybe watching a few highlights.

“It’s a shame that an event that used to generate so much national pride now generates, at best, indifference. Using the Games to promote progressive ideology has nothing to do with what the Games stand for.

A scene from the Olympic opening ceremony where drag queens paid homage to The Last Supper sparked controversy and a backlash from Christians on social media

Donald Trump Jr. took to social media to criticize the performance at the opening ceremony.

Donald Trump Jr. took to social media to criticize the performance at the opening ceremony.

‘Instead of highlighting the incredible achievements of these amazing athletes, the corporate media subverts all of their hard work to promote leftist insanity… not only a disgrace, but a real disservice to some of the most talented and dedicated people on Earth.

“I hope that one day people will get tired of the nonsense. Until then, you can continue to watch as everything good and decent and everything you love burns to the ground. The choice is yours.”

To clarify, Donald Jr.’s mother, Ivana Trump, claimed she was selected as an alternate for the Czechoslovakian ski team at the 1972 Olympics in Grenoble in 1988, a claim that the Secretary General of that country’s Olympic Committee denied.

A 2021 Snopes investigation found that Czechoslovakia did not send any female alpine skiers to the 1972 Olympics.

As for the performance, several Christians have taken to social media to denounce it as a disgrace.

That included Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, who tweeted a verse from Galatians in response.

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker added to the negative reaction to the display.

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker added to the negative reaction to the display.

“Make no mistake, God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap,” Butker’s tweet read.

“For he who sows to his flesh will also reap corruption from the flesh; but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap everlasting life.”

The phrases “disgusting” and “Sodom and Gomorrah” trended on Twitter the morning after the ceremony, and the performance remained a topic of discussion.

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