Home US Does your child have special powers? Here are the six signs you have a gifted ‘Crystal Child’: from trouble sleeping to knowing things they shouldn’t

Does your child have special powers? Here are the six signs you have a gifted ‘Crystal Child’: from trouble sleeping to knowing things they shouldn’t

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Its arrival was prophesied in Mayan times, now there are Crystals all over the world

Have you ever felt that your child is special? That they seem so much more sensitive, caring, perceptive, and creative than their more spiritually inclined peers? That they often know things that there is no logical explanation for them to know?

If any of this sounds familiar to you, then your son or daughter may be what is known as a ‘Crystal Child’.

‘Crystals’, born between the late 1990s and 2020, are believed to be evolved souls who have incarnated many times on this planet. They are the successors of those known as ‘Indigo Children’, born in the 1970s and 1980s.

Its arrival was prophesied in Mayan times, now there are Crystals all over the world

As an Indigo child, I know very well what it is like to be born with different gifts, including the ability to see angels and astral project (where the soul can leave the body). My mission is to use mine to help others connect with the spiritual. Having started the path to becoming a holistic therapist when I was 20, I have studied everything from aromatherapy to reiki. That’s why I’m known as the “White Witch of Cheshire.”

While Indigo children came to Earth to challenge social constructs, we are often seen as “disruptors” or the black sheep of the family always asking ‘Why?’ — The crystal children aim to spread ancient wisdom.

In fact, their arrival was prophesied in Mayan times, and now the Crystals, like my own 19-year-old daughter Leah, have been born all over the world, here to begin the next stage in human evolution. Because we are at a turning point in our history, currently transitioning from the 2,000-year-long Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.

While the Pisces period has been defined by a top-down approach to wealth, with the population held back by patriarchy, the Age of Aquarius is about working together as a community.

Crystal children are here to help support this new way of life, and as they continue to mature, we will all feel the beneficial effects they have on the world. We can identify Crystal children by their aura, the personal energy field that surrounds each of us. Sensitives or psychics like me can read or see this clear crystalline energy around those children. But even if you can’t, we can all feel its effects. Just as real crystals amplify energy, Crystal children make everyone around them feel better.

Instead of focusing exclusively on “me, me, me,” they think about how to uplift others and foster a sense of community.

If you think you might be having a Crystal child, here are six signs to watch out for…


Crystals have been noted to have “otherworldly” eyes. His gaze can be penetrating and sometimes even a little disconcerting. When you have their full attention, it’s like they’re looking into your soul.

Said to be the next stage in human evolution, it feels like they can see into your soul.

Said to be the next stage in human evolution, it feels like they can see into your soul.

While this may seem scary, Crystal children are very relaxed and soft beings. It means that it is very easy to open up to them and you may even find yourself asking them for advice.


Full of love, understanding and wisdom, Crystals are the hippies of this century. Both sexes have a calm and feminine energy, they are tactile and very generous with their affection.

They will often tell you how much they miss you when you are not together. They are also very good judges of character.


BECAUSE they are reincarnated souls, from the moment they begin to speak Crystal children will touch on topics that should be outside their frame of reference. For example: ‘What color is the sky, Mom?’ Or, as my Leah once asked me when she was little, “I want to go back to the house with the red door, Mom.”

Was he talking about a past life? It is my only conclusion, because we have never lived in a house with a door like that.

And my daughter will know when an unexpected letter arrives before it hits the mailbox.


Born with the ability to sense everything around them, Crystals have a level of compassion beyond their years. This can have a negative side, as their greater empathy means they become easily overwhelmed.

You will find that Crystal children will avoid places with a tragic history, as they can sense the bad energies. They can also tell when some place is haunted.

Their sensitivity also means that they can detect impending problems, such as an illness in the family, while they are dreaming, which can mean that they have trouble sleeping and may even suffer from attacks of insomnia.

The glass children are the hippies of this century and they are very generous with their affection

The glass children are the hippies of this century and they are very generous with their affection

They may feel like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders, and as a parent, it’s important to help them feel grounded. Being in the water is comforting for a Crystal child, as it can remove any negative energy that he has acquired.

Other practical ways to help include avoiding processed foods and wearing protective dark crystals like black tourmaline or obsidian.


You will notice that the crystals are very clever. They like to work with their hands and will be happy to cook from scratch. They enjoy expressing themselves through music and singing.


Crystal children are drawn to caring for humans, animals, and our planet. Their talent is healing and, whatever profession they are drawn to, they will care for others less fortunate than themselves. They are not interested in career “goals” or monetary success, and will only do what they are passionate about and make them feel fulfilled.

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