Home Health Doctors Reveal Condition That Could Be Behind Biden’s Strange ‘Freezing’ Episodes… After 81-Year-Old Man Had His Second Statue Moment in a Week

Doctors Reveal Condition That Could Be Behind Biden’s Strange ‘Freezing’ Episodes… After 81-Year-Old Man Had His Second Statue Moment in a Week

President Joe Biden attends a flag ceremony and skydiving display during the G7, where he appeared to wander

President Joe Biden’s advanced age is an important sore point ahead of the next election. And the 81-year-old’s recent series of public gaffes is raising more concerns.

Experts and voters alike have expressed concern about Biden’s series of strange “freezing” incidents over the past week.

More recently, the president’s face and body appeared to freeze on stage at a fundraiser in Los Angeles. Biden stopped moving after his speech and stared at the crowd for several seconds.

But a White House representative dismissed reports of a frozen reaction to DailyMail.com as “fakes” and “lies,” explaining that his reaction was simply “watching a crowd applaud for a few seconds.”

The episode comes less than a week after POTUS also appeared to freeze at a Juneteenth celebration at the White House during a concert with gospel singer Kirk Franklin.

he was seen staring straight ahead as Vice President Kamala Harris danced beside him. In a speech at the event, she also appeared to slur her words.

Just days before the Los Angeles incident, while attending the G7 summit in Italy, another video showed the president walking away from other world leaders while watching a skydiving demonstration and giving a thumbs up in the opposite direction.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni then approached Biden and directed him back to the group.

The president’s team said this video did not show other protesters parachuting over the leaders in another direction.

The White House has periodically rejected criticism and maintained that Biden is in top shape, both physically and mentally, and will effectively be able to serve another term until 2028, when he will turn 86.

In February, the results of his annual physical exam were released and revealed that there were “no new concerns” about his health.

The report details several medical conditions the president suffers from, including sleep apnea, acid reflux, irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol, seasonal allergies, arthritis and nerve damage in his feet.

It also lists medications you are taking to treat those conditions, including a blood thinner that lists confusion as a side effect.

But now, experts speculate that its freezing could be a sign of several conditions.

A Los Angeles-based doctor said, “Frozen, masked faces, decreased arm movement, and less frequent blinking are likely due to a central neurological disorder such as Parkinson’s.”

President Joe Biden attends a flag ceremony and skydiving display during the G7, where he appeared to wander

Plastic surgeon Dr. Sheila Nazarian continued in a cheep: ‘If this were a normal older person, I wouldn’t post about it. However, the perceived weakness in our commander in chief is a threat to national security. It affects us all.

‘Right now, we need a leader who radiates power and strength… We need to restore excellence, merit and love for America. We need to reign in all this madness.”

Commenting on neurodegenerative disorders in general and not specifically on the president’s condition, Dr. Ziad Nasreddine, a neurologist who invented the standard cognitive test, previously told DailyMail.com that slurred speech is seen in Parkinson’s, which It affects the levels of the brain hormones involved. moving.

Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease in older adults after Alzheimer’s disease.

More than 90,000 people in the US are diagnosed with this condition each year, the majority of whom are men over the age of 60.

While symptoms such as tremors are well known, Parkinson’s disease can also cause stiffness and problems moving the limbs and face, as well as slurred speech

It is also known to cause cognitive impairment, affecting memory, concentration and even mood.

The symptoms of the disease worsen over time and there is no cure. The disease itself is not fatal, but patients can die from complications of the disease, such as pneumonia, heart disease, falls, asphyxiation or urinary tract infections.

Rare genetic changes could be behind Parkinson’s, as well as exposure to toxins, but experts are still unsure of the cause.

Former President Barack Obama was seen giving Biden's arm a gentle tug and leading him off the stage after the president froze during applause at a fundraising event in Los Angeles.

Former President Barack Obama was seen giving Biden’s arm a gentle tug and leading him off the stage after the president froze during applause at a fundraising event in Los Angeles.

Biden spoke at a campaign fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday before video showed him appearing frozen and being carried off the stage by Obama.

Biden spoke at a campaign fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday before video showed him appearing frozen and being carried off the stage by Obama.

Aside from the physical side effects of the disease, Parkinson’s can also cause thinking difficulties and cognitive problems, as well as depression and anxiety.

Biden has recently been seen mixing up the names of world leaders and referencing deceased politicians and public figures.

In February, Biden failed to identify a world leader, calling the Egyptian Abdel Fattah El-Sisi president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

He also appeared to forget the name of the Hamas terrorist organization in a separate press conference that month.

And just two days before that, Biden made another mistake when he referred to French President Emmanuel Macron as Francois Mitterrand, the country’s former leader who died 28 years ago.

He also confused the late German leader Helmut Kohl with former Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Dr. Nasreddine said mixing names and dates is “concerning in terms of that’s not supposed to happen with normal aging.”

‘It could happen… from time to time we make a mistake. But if this happens very often, I think it raises concern.”

Due to his mishaps, doctors have asked Biden to take a cognitive test and make the results public.

Dr Stuart Fischer, an internal medicine doctor in New York City, previously told DailyMail.com: ‘This type of research is long overdue. No one likes to admit or acknowledge the passage of time, whether it be me or the president of the United States, but in certain cases it has to be done.

“(Biden) is a public servant, an elected official… and he has some responsibility to the people who voted for him.”

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