Home US Doctor who fueled Fauci-led ‘propaganda effort’ to debunk COVID lab leak theory publicly trashed by furious Republican

Doctor who fueled Fauci-led ‘propaganda effort’ to debunk COVID lab leak theory publicly trashed by furious Republican

Dr. Robert Garry, the top physician at Tulane University's medical school, shown above left at an earlier hearing, was criticized Tuesday by Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., for publishing an article about the zoonotic origin of COVID-19 while at the time stating in emails that he did not know how such a virus could jump from animals to humans.

A prominent doctor whose research work helped fuel the ‘propaganda effort’ led by Dr. Anthony Fauci to debunk the Wuhan Covid lab leak theory came under fire at a Senate hearing on Tuesday.

Republican Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri criticized Dr. Robert Garry during the COVID origins hearing for his March 17, 2020 article dismissing the lab leak theory.

The Republican put the doctor on the spot for publishing the article used to debunk the lab leak theory, while in private emails just weeks earlier he cast doubt on whether it was scientifically possible that the virus had originated in a market. Chinese.

“I simply cannot understand how this is achieved in the wild,” according to February 2020 emails Hawley read at the hearing.

“I really can’t think of a plausible natural scenario in which you could get the virus from the bat, or one very similar to this one. I just can’t understand how this is achieved in nature.”

But in the article, Dr. Garry stated that COVID probably came from bats.

On Tuesday, Senator Hawley said Dr Garry must have had a “revelation from God” to change his opinion on the origins of Covid so quickly.

Dr. Robert Garry, the top physician at Tulane University’s medical school, shown above left at an earlier hearing, was criticized Tuesday by Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., for publishing an article about the zoonotic origin of COVID-19 while at the time stating in emails that he did not know how such a virus could jump from animals to humans.

Dr Garry replied defiantly: ‘You know, all we did was write an article. 3,000 words. It has been one of the most scrutinized articles in history.

Still, the doctor doubled down on the post, saying, “He’s been holding up very well.”

Hawley was furious and accused Dr Garry of being in close collaboration with Fauci, who he claimed led a ‘cabal’ to debunk the possibility of a lab leak.

“Fauci goes to the WHO (and) asked them to intervene to debunk the lab leak.”

“So Fauci” did several interviews in which he said “no way, no way, a lab leak is not possible at all.”

And then he coordinates, and the entire federal government coordinates, with the biggest tech companies in the world to crack down, and with the media companies to crack down on any American who asks questions about it. “It’s absolutely shameful.”

‘Dr. Garry, you’re part of this propaganda effort,” Hawley continued. ‘I mean, you’re right in the center of this. It’s amazing.”

However, the doctor defended the article by saying that it was just an opinion piece.

Hawley claimed that Garry's publication of the now famous 'proximate origins paper' in March 2020 helped Dr. Anthony Fauci debunk the lab leak hypothesis.

Hawley claimed that Garry’s publication of the now famous ‘proximate origins paper’ in March 2020 helped Dr. Anthony Fauci debunk the lab leak hypothesis.

According to testimony on Tuesday, Chinese virologist Shi Zhengli (left), seen inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) laboratory in 2017, learned research practices from Americans and coronavirus research at the Wuhan laboratory was funded by the United States.

According to testimony on Tuesday, Chinese virologist Shi Zhengli (left), seen inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) laboratory in 2017, learned research practices from Americans and coronavirus research in the Wuhan laboratory was funded by the United States.

Hawley said Garry must have had

Hawley said Garry must have had “a revelation from God” to change his mind about the origins of COVID from his private emails in February 2020, in which he said he couldn’t draw a line between animal and human origins, to the publication of an article that said the virus surely came from animals in March 2020

Hawley’s fellow Republican, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., the top GOP lawmaker on the panel, also accused America’s top federal health agencies of deliberately misleading the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, which held the audience.

“Today we are here to examine one of the most critical and debated questions of our time: Did COVID-19 originate in a laboratory?” Paul said at the beginning of the hearing.

He then told the packed Senate hearing room that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have refused for years to provide Republicans and Democrats with documents about their alleged risky laboratory work.

“This has been a deliberate and protracted effort to mislead the committee about certain gain-of-function research experiments that the agencies have been hiding,” Paul charged.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., opened the hearing by alleging that the top U.S. federal health agencies (HHS and NIH) deliberately lied to the Senate committee to prevent the release of documents.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., opened the hearing by alleging that the top U.S. federal health agencies (HHS and NIH) deliberately lied to the Senate committee to prevent the release of documents.

No HHS or NIH officials were present at Tuesday's hearing.

No HHS or NIH officials were present at Tuesday’s hearing.

Additionally, another eminent doctor on the panel, Dr. Richard Ebright, testified that COVID had to have come from a laboratory based on its molecular configuration.

“No sure evidence points to the natural origins of COVID,” he told the committee.

He mentioned that the closest animals that encountered the virus were more than 800 miles from Wuhan, in southern China.

Ebright also noted that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), where the lab leak theory claims the disease emerged, has “the world’s largest research program on SARS viruses in bats.”

And at the time of the outbreak, WIV had, Ebright testified, “the world’s largest collection of SARS viruses in bats.”

Previously, Fauci had denounced the idea that COVID originated in a laboratory as a conspiracy theory and worked with social media companies to strangle online discussion about the virus’s origins.

However, earlier this month, while testifying before Congress, Fauci said he was keeping an open mind about the start of the pandemic, despite his actions.

Fauci stated on June 3 that he had “kept an open mind” about the lab leak theory and was not involved in the “push to downplay the lab leak theory.”

However, Republicans claim that Fauci is lying about this.

Fauci’s account is “contradicted by FacebookThe decision to remove content about the lab leak theory is due to ‘pressure’ from the Biden Administration, particularly the Response Team, of which you were a member,” wrote the House Judiciary Chairman. Representatives, Jim Jordan, in a letter to the patriarch of the pandemic.

The Judiciary Committee has asked Fauci to appear for further interviews.

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