Home Tech Do you need an antivirus program on Windows?

Do you need an antivirus program on Windows?

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Don’t underestimate the value of updates for your browser or Windows itself. A significant number of malware bundles exploit old softwareSo Microsoft and browser makers continually release updates to plug holes and fix vulnerabilities. If you’re using the latest version of Windows and the latest version of your browser, that’s another line of defense.

Antivirus software typically includes several elements, though it varies by package: for example, it may include a VPN, as well as parental controls, a password manager, and some secure cloud storage for your files. There are also often monitoring tools to detect attacks and data breaches that may include your personal information (from credit card numbers to login details).

Specialized antivirus programs are often more proactive than the Windows solution, scanning incoming data as it arrives over the network and looking for connected devices (such as smart home devices) that may not have their own comprehensive privacy and security protections. As the built-in Windows antivirus tool has improved, these third-party options have evolved to offer more and more features.

Do you need an antivirus program?

Antivirus packages cover multiple devices with multiple features.

Courtesy of Norton

There is no simple yes or no answer to the question of whether you need an antivirus program on Windows. It is your decision and if you want to go without one, you do so at your own risk. Products offered by the big names in the industry, such as Bitdefender and Norton, are undoubtedly effective and reliable in keeping malicious code away from your Windows system.

At the same time, an up-to-date version of Windows, plus Windows Security and an up-to-date web browser, is a pretty solid setup for most users — and one that many viruses and other malware will have a hard time getting through. Your online activities also affect your security level: if you spend a lot of time viewing and downloading pirated content, for example, your risk level increases.

In some ways, it’s a bit like driving. Respect the speed limits, keep your eyes on the road, follow the signs, stick to the parts of town you know best, and you’ll stay out of trouble most of the time, but you’ll be even safer in an armored vehicle with a police escort.

It is worth noting that none of these settings guarantees 100% security at all times. Also, ironically, sometimes installing an antivirus program comes with its own security risks.

What is certain is that an antivirus program is no longer a must-have on a modern Windows system. Nor is it the first application you need to install. These antivirus packages are now optional extras that give you more peace of mind and additional features that you may find valuable to your setup.

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