Home Money My car rental company wrongly charged me for a missing tyre weeks after I returned the vehicle, what can I do? Consumer lawyer DEAN DUNHAM replies

My car rental company wrongly charged me for a missing tyre weeks after I returned the vehicle, what can I do? Consumer lawyer DEAN DUNHAM replies

The customer was charged three weeks after returning the car for a spare wheel that was apparently missing from the trunk

We rented a car for a break in and around Florence. We returned the car, it was inspected and the correct amount was charged to my credit card. But three weeks later, the same credit card was charged for a spare tire that was apparently missing from the trunk.

What are my rights?

EK via email

The customer was charged three weeks after returning the car for a spare wheel that was apparently missing from the trunk

The customer was charged three weeks after returning the car for a spare wheel that was apparently missing from the trunk

DEAN DUNHAM RESPONDS: When you picked up the car, a rental company representative should have inspected the car in your presence and completed a check-out form describing its condition, including any pre-existing damage such as scratches to the paint and other significant items , such as a missing spare wheel. Likewise, when you returned the car, the rental company representative should have carried out a further inspection and completed a check-in form to assess whether you had caused any new damage or whether any other problems had arisen with the car during your stay. labor power. Therefore, check carefully what these two documents say, as you would expect a missing spare wheel to be recorded, especially on the check-in form.

If the check-in form does not mention a missing spare wheel, or if the check-out form states that the vehicle did not have a spare wheel, please submit your complaint in writing to the rental company. Your complaint must clearly state that there was no spare wheel and emphasize that this is supported by the check-out and/or check-in form – and demand an immediate refund.

If the rental company refuses your refund, you can turn to your credit card company and make a claim under section 75. It is important that you provide all evidence to your card provider and emphasize that there is no evidence to support the rental company’s position that the car had a spare wheel during the rental period. In these circumstances your claim under section 75 should be successful.

This question highlights the importance of the check-out and check-in forms when renting a vehicle. Do not simply let the rental company representative fill out the forms, but review them carefully and be sure that the forms accurately reflect the condition of the vehicle. I also always advise consumers to take many photos of the vehicle at the beginning and end of the rental period. It is this invaluable evidence that will protect you if the rental company falsely claims that you caused damage or removed anything from the vehicle.

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