Home Australia Dire warning: Nurseries are indoctrinating their children and turning them into ‘activists’ after curriculum change

Dire warning: Nurseries are indoctrinating their children and turning them into ‘activists’ after curriculum change

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The federal government's learning framework for nurseries has been criticized for including activist content on race, gender, culture and the environment (file image)

A think tank has warned that young children could be indoctrinated into activism and identity politics due to the federal government’s new childcare teaching curriculum.

The Institute of Public Affairs has sounded the alarm stating that many parents would be unaware of the ideology being promoted in the Early Years Learning Framework.

The Conservative think tank’s analysis found that diversity, inclusion and equity are mentioned 149 times, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and reconciliation are mentioned 96 times, and mother, father or parents are not mentioned. they mention at all.

Dr. Bella d’Abrera, director of the IPA’s Foundations of Western Civilization program, said parents should be concerned.

“These centers should be places where children play in sandboxes, draw with crayons and take afternoon naps, not be inducted into cults of social justice, identity politics and sustainability by activist educators,” he said.

“Parents should be very concerned that the federal government supports young children being exposed to very adult topics such as gender, sexuality, race, culture and the environment, years before it is appropriate.”

The federal government’s learning framework for nurseries has been criticized for including activist content on race, gender, culture and the environment (file image)

Dr Bella d'Abrera, of the Institute of Public Affairs, said children should be allowed to be children and most parents would be unaware of the mandatory learning guide.

Dr Bella d’Abrera, of the Institute of Public Affairs, said children should be allowed to be children and most parents would be unaware of the mandatory learning guide.

The federal government’s childcare regulator, the Australian Education and Care Quality Authority, oversees the implementation of the Early Years Learning Framework, which is titled “Belonging, Being and Becoming.”

The regulator suggests children take a daily Country Acknowledgment and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags be displayed in nurseries.

The regulator’s suggested learning materials also include notions that children should “understand and explore gender” and that “colonial understandings” should be “disrupted.”

“Like the national curriculum, Australia’s early learning framework begins the indoctrination process by introducing babies and toddlers to radical gender and social justice theory, rather than allowing children to simply be children.” said Dr. d’Abrera.

‘As Australia’s education system has moved away from knowledge acquisition towards activism and social justice, results have continued to decline compared to other countries.

“By focusing on division instead of fact-based, age-appropriate education, we are setting another generation up for failure.”

There are concerns that children are being exposed to political ideology in childcare through the federal government curriculum (pictured: a Voice to Parliament rally in 2023)

There are concerns that children are being exposed to political ideology in childcare through the federal government curriculum (pictured: a Voice to Parliament rally in 2023).

Childcare regulator also suggests nurseries hold daily country recognition ceremonies (file image)

Childcare regulator also suggests nurseries hold daily country recognition ceremonies (file image)

A child care expert told Herald of the sun There was no negative reaction within the sector to the framework and individual centers were given space to apply the principles as they saw fit.

“Some services in inner Melbourne will have a very different interpretation of what is needed compared to those in regional communities,” the source said.

The Belonging, Being and Becoming framework, introduced in 2009, was updated in 2023 and made mandatory from 2024.

A federal Department of Education spokesperson said approved learning frameworks had “always included respect for diversity and the continued learning and sharing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures”.

Daily Mail Australia has contacted the Department of Education for further comment.

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