Home Australia Dietician reveals the four foods that you should NEVER reheat in the microwave

Dietician reveals the four foods that you should NEVER reheat in the microwave

If you've ever opened your refrigerator, grabbed some leftovers, and microwaved them, you may have put yourself at risk without even knowing it (stock image)

A dietitian has revealed the four common foods that should never be reheated in the microwave.

If you’ve ever opened your refrigerator, grabbed some leftovers, and popped them in the microwave, you may have put yourself at serious risk without even knowing it, or completely ruined the dish.

That’s right, according to New Jersey nutritionist Amanda Holtzer, there are some popular foods that many people don’t realize are dangerous to microwave.

Additionally, he said there are many products that are perfectly safe to heat in the microwave; however, doing so could alter its flavor or texture.

Luckily, the dietitian broke down all the foods you should avoid putting in the microwave to fox news.

First, she explained that hard-boiled eggs are a big no-no when it comes to microwaving them.

Because? Well, they can actually explode when you bite into them due to the built-up pressure, which can lead to possible burns.

“Never cook a hard-boiled egg in the microwave,” he warned. ‘Doing so causes steam and pressure to build up in the egg white, and can cause a rash when the egg is cut.

If you’ve ever opened your refrigerator, grabbed some leftovers, and microwaved them, you may have put yourself at risk without even knowing it (stock image)

That's right, according to New Jersey nutritionist Amanda Holtzer, there are some popular foods that many people don't know are dangerous to microwave.

That’s right, according to New Jersey nutritionist Amanda Holtzer, there are some popular foods that many people don’t know are dangerous to microwave.

“This rash can occur in the microwave, on the plate or, most alarmingly, in your mouth when you bite into the egg.”

Four foods you should never reheat in the microwave

  • hard boiled eggs
  • Foods rich in vitamin C
  • Chicken
  • Fish

He also advised against microwaving any foods rich in vitamin C, such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and potatoes.

“When exposed to heat, vitamin C is degraded and destroyed,” he explained.

“To maintain the integrity of the vitamin C in these foods, I recommend consuming them raw as often as possible.”

Next on Amanda’s list was chicken, as she says reheating it can cause it to have a “bad taste and texture.”

She explained: “When chicken is stored in the refrigerator after cooking, the fats in the meat can oxidize, which can change the chemical structure of the chicken and therefore its flavor.

“Then, when reheated, the moisture that was in the chicken evaporates, leaving the chicken with a bad taste and texture.”

He also said that it is not ideal to cook fish in the microwave, as the high temperature can “cause the moisture in the fish to evaporate, resulting in a very dry and rubbery texture.”

Additionally, he said there are many products that are perfectly safe to heat in the microwave; however, doing so could completely ruin its flavor or texture.

Additionally, he said there are many products that are perfectly safe to heat in the microwave; however, doing so could completely ruin its flavor or texture.

He said you should avoid microwaving hard-boiled eggs, foods rich in vitamin C, chicken and fish.

He said you should avoid microwaving hard-boiled eggs, foods rich in vitamin C, chicken and fish.

Last month, a scientist revealed the alarming reason why you should “never, ever” eat food that has been microwaved in plastic containers.

Dr. Shanna Swan is a respected expert on substances called endocrine disruptors, which are those that wreak havoc on the body’s hormones and, as a result, our reproductive health.

Speaking on a popular health podcast Huberman LaboratoryThe epidemiologist urged people not to heat food in plastic containers in the microwave due to the risk of these chemicals leaching into the food.

“BPA, phthalates and plasticizers are added to plastic, but are not chemically bonded to it,” he said.

“So if you put something in a container that contains these chemicals and then put it in a hot environment, they will come out of the plastic and into the food.”

BPA, short for bisphenol A, and phthalates are sometimes added to plastics as part of the manufacturing process to make them more durable.

Multiple studies link consumption of these chemicals with fertility problems, although regulators say current evidence suggests the level of exposure the average person faces in everyday life is safe.

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