Home Australia Did Joe pass gas during his terrible presidential debate? Social media engages in feverish speculation about ‘suspicious noise’ as candidates speak

Did Joe pass gas during his terrible presidential debate? Social media engages in feverish speculation about ‘suspicious noise’ as candidates speak

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Last night's debate left viewers wondering if one of the candidates farted when the microphones picked up a

Last night’s debate left viewers wondering if either candidate had choked off when microphones picked up a “suspicious noise.”

Social media users have been speculating heatedly about the sound, with some accusing Joe Biden, 81, of farting during his terrible debate performance.

The sound at the center of the social media frenzy could be heard as Donald Trump, 78, accused Biden of profiting from tariffs the former president imposed on China.

Speculation about the source of the “suspicious noise” ranges from one of the candidates “farting” to one of the moderators taking a sip of water.

Biden had a disastrous performance in his first presidential debate against Trump last night, further casting doubt on the current president’s abilities.

Last night’s debate left viewers wondering if one of the candidates farted when the microphones picked up a “suspicious noise.”

Social media users have launched into feverish speculation about the sound, with some accusing Joe Biden, 81, of farting during his terrible debate performance.

Social media users have launched into feverish speculation about the sound, with some accusing Joe Biden, 81, of gasping for breath during his terrible debate performance.

The sound at the center of the social media frenzy could be heard as Donald Trump, 78, accused Biden of profiting from tariffs the former president imposed on China.

The sound at the center of the social media frenzy could be heard as Donald Trump, 78, accused Biden of profiting from tariffs the former president imposed on China.

The Democrat sounded tired and hoarse, frequently stumbled over his words and on one occasion completely lost his train of thought and fell silent, prompting moderator Jake Tapper to jump in to his rescue.

While Biden was combative and did not shy away from trading barbs with Trump, it became painfully clear during the debate that he simply did not have the chops to compete with his confident, soft-spoken Republican rival.

Biden’s debate performance was met with sharp criticism from members of his own camp, with many Democrats concerned about the incumbent’s display of failing credentials and calling for him to be replaced by another candidate.

Donors to Biden’s party have called his performance “the worst performance ever.”

In the tortuous 90-minute debate, the president frequently lost his train of thought, digressed mid-sentence and mixed up topics, prompting a cacophony of calls from politicians and pundits on both sides of the aisle for Biden to resign.

One donor told POLITICO that his performance was “so bad that no one will pay attention to Trump’s lies” and that “Biden needs to retire.” No doubt about it.

A senior Democratic strategist said, “Biden is about to face increased calls for him to step aside. Parties exist to win; this man on stage with Trump cannot win,” in a blunt interview with the New York Times.

Biden's debate performance was met with sharp criticism from members of his own camp, with many Democrats concerned about the incumbent's display of failing abilities and calling for him to be replaced by another candidate.

Biden’s debate performance was met with sharp criticism from members of his own camp, with many Democrats concerned about the incumbent’s display of failing abilities and calling for him to be replaced by another candidate.

Evidently feeling hungry after having expended his limited mental energy on the stand, the president stopped at the fast food restaurant to grab a bite to eat with Jill, but was confronted by customers about his dismal performance.

Evidently feeling hungry after expending his limited mental energy on the stand, the president stopped at the fast food restaurant to grab a bite to eat with Jill, but was confronted by customers for his pitiful performance.

And former Republican-turned-Democrat campaign strategist Steve Schmidt said, “Biden lost the country tonight and he’s not getting it back. If Trump is a threat and democracy is at stake, then Biden needs to step aside.”

During the debate, Trump was seen contorting his face in surprise and derision at Biden’s confusing ramblings and frequent debate gaffes, and at one point told millions of Americans watching at home: “I really “I don’t know what he (Biden) just said. He is not prepared to be president. You know it and I know it.”

As the debate concluded, shocking behind-the-scenes footage emerged showing Biden barely able to walk off the stage, clutching his wife Jill’s hand as he carefully made his way down a set of small steps.

Jill later congratulated him in an embarrassing scene reminiscent of a mother caring for her young child.

“You answered all the questions correctly, Joe. You did a great job answering all the questions. You knew all the facts!” he said in an almost condescending tone.

Evidently feeling hungry after expending his limited mental energy on the stand, the president stopped at the fast food joint to grab a bite to eat with Jill, but was confronted by customers about his pitiful performance.

‘Some are concerned that you are not suitable for the job… do you have any concerns about your performance?’ asked a customer.

The President responded: “Well… it’s hard to debate a liar,” claiming that his Republican opponent had uttered a series of falsehoods and declaring that he believed he had acted “well.”

But it failed to distract from the reality of his performance, something the Trump team has blithely made light of, compiling all of Biden’s mumbling and bumbling in a video titled: ‘Needless to say, the drugs didn’t work.’

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