Denise Welch moved house after a stalker attacked her and started a dumpster fire in her driveway.
Toraq Wyngard, 56, was convicted in September 2021 of stalking and causing serious alarm or distress to the actress between September 18, 2020 and February 11, 2021.
He was jailed for seven years and seven months after stalking Denise and starting a fire at her property which spread to her garage and caused £4,285 worth of damage.
Actress Denise was home at the time of the incident, but a passerby alerted her and allowed her to escape.
On Saturday, former Coronation Street star Denise, 65, confirmed that she and her husband Lincoln Townley, 51, had moved out of the house.
Denise Welch moved house after she was attacked by a stalker who started a dumpster fire in her driveway (Denise pictured last week)

Toraq Wyngard, 56, was convicted in September 2021 of stalking and causing serious alarm or distress to the actress between September 18, 2020 and February 11, 2021 (Toraq pictured in 2022).
On Twitter, he publicly messaged his broadband provider to complain that service at his former home had not been canceled.
She wrote: ‘For 2 weeks I have been trying to cancel my service through your system. Every time it says someone will contact me. They have not done it. I don’t want to pay for a service I no longer need because we’ve moved.’
Chester Crown Court previously heard how stalker Toraq harassed Denise by turning up at the £800,000 home in Cheshire she shared with her husband Lincoln and leaving unwanted messages.
On September 19, 2020, a container at the entrance of the house was set on fire, which then spread to the garage.
When police arrived they found Wyngard, from Salford, Greater Manchester, near the address with a knife in his backpack.
Gareth Bellis, prosecuting, told the court that the fire service had attended the property on the night of the fire after a member of the public alerted the couple by ringing the doorbell.
The fire, believed to have been started with an accelerant, was soon extinguished but there was a risk it could spread and “create a large amount of toxic smoke” and cause “serious injury or death”.
He returned to Denise’s house the following February, damaged the garden gate and spray-painted it with graffiti, writing the words “witch” and “pimp” and an upside-down cross in marker.

On Saturday, former Coronation Street star Denise, 65, confirmed she and her husband Lincoln Townley, 51, had moved out of the house while she complained to her broadband provider.

Denise and her husband Lincoln are seen at Chester Courts on October 26, 2021 at a hearing for Toraq.

Toraq Wyngard arrives at Chester Courts in custody after stalking and setting fire to Loose Women Denise (pictured October 2021)
It was to be the start of a “horrible time” for Denise and her husband, who were relieved when Wyngard was finally detained by police.
During police questioning, Wyngard, who has a history of mental illness, including bipolar disorder, denied involvement and did not answer questions.
But he admitted one count of stalking the former Hollyoaks actress and causing serious alarm or distress between September 18, 2020 and February 1, 2021 and a hearing in September.
He also admitted charges of arson, possession of a sharp object and criminal damage.
But on the day he was due to be sentenced, October 26, 2021, he indicated that he wanted to change his statement, which caused a new delay.
At the time, Judge Michael Leeming apologized to Denise and her husband as they had attended court hoping to see Wyngard sentenced.
Wyngard failed in his request to revoke his guilty plea and was later sentenced.
TV personality Denise has previously spoken out about the heavy toll Wyngard’s bullying has taken on her family.
“This has been an incredibly scary and stressful time for me and our family,” she said.
‘We thank the firefighters for their quick action to save our home and the police for their incredible vigilance and support.
“A special thank you to the Harm Reduction Unit assigned to us who have guided us through this horrible time every step of the way.”