Home US Hairy CIA document shows why ‘Deep State’ has always feared for release murder files on JFK: ‘Kill Americans’

Hairy CIA document shows why ‘Deep State’ has always feared for release murder files on JFK: ‘Kill Americans’

With the Codenaam Operation Northwoods, this extremely secret American military conspiracy suggested killing innocent people and performing terrorism against American cities, and then blaming Cuba for these crimes

Hariferous CIA documents can reveal why the ‘deep state’ has always been afraid of releasing the murder files of John F. Kennedy.

A twelve -page report, signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) in 1962, describes a secret plan to commit horrible acts against American citizens to justify the war with Cuba in the 1960s.

This extremely secret conspiracy, with the Codenaam Operation Northwoods, proposed to perform terrorism against American cities in a so-called ‘false flag operation’, before giving Cuba the fault to fool the Americans. Supporting war efforts to expel communist Fidel Castro.

“We could develop a communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other cities in Florida and even in Washington,” says the document, in addition to dozens of other violent ideas about how we can stir up American hostility against the island.

American officials even suggested killing and wrote their own soldiers: “We could blow up an American ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba,” and “lists of victims in American newspapers would cause a useful wave of national indignation. ‘

JFK rejected Operation Northwoods when it ended up on his desk and was shot.

Because of the extremely tense relations between Cuba and the US, some within the intelligence community thought that the Castro regime may have been involved in the murder.

But federal research eventually came to the conclusion that there was no evidence that Cuba was related to the death of JFK.

Now President Donald Trump has promised to release all secret documents with regard to the murder of JFK, which could possibly lead to more shocking revelations about the activities of the US government in the 1960s.

With the Codenaam Operation Northwoods, this extremely secret American military conspiracy suggested killing innocent people and performing terrorism against American cities, and then blaming Cuba for these crimes

The ‘deep state’ is the idea that there is a hidden network of powerful individuals or groups within a government that operates independently of or outside the control of chosen officials.

The proposal for Operation Northwoods, prepared as part of a larger document entitled ‘Justification for the US military intervention in Cuba. ”

This extremely secret collection of concept memorandums was written by the Ministry of Defense (DOD) and JCS and presented in 1962 to the then Minister of Defense Robert McNamara.

“A series of well -coordinated incidents will take place in and around Guantánamo, to really give the impression that the hostile Cuban troops have fallen behind,” the document says.

“The following sections offer” incidents to bring about a credible attack (not in chronological order). ”

The plan included everything, from trelinating rumors to the ‘landing of friendly Cubans in uniform to performing acts on military bases and the inflation of ammunition in facilities.

On the list there was also an installation to “set airbase on fire at a airbase” and to sink a ship near the harbor entrance to an unpleasant base and then ‘to keep’ funerals for false victims’.

The aim of this plan was to mislead the American public and the international community to support a war effort to expel the then leader of Cuba, the Communist Fidel Castro.

The aim of this plan was to mislead the American public and the international community to support a war effort to expel the then leader of Cuba, the Communist Fidel Castro.

The government of Dwight D. Eisenhower developed a plan to overthrow Castro, known as the invasion of the pig bay, which was carried out in 1961 by the successor to Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy.

The government of Dwight D. Eisenhower developed a plan to overthrow Castro, known as the invasion of the pig bay, which was carried out in 1961 by the successor to Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy.

“(De) United States would respond by performing offensive operations to secure the water and power supply, and to destroy artillery and mortar arrangements that threaten the basics,” the document describes.

The public knowledge of Operation Northwoods only came when an almost full version of the document was published online in 2001.

Fidel Castro came to power and became Prime Minister of Cuba in 1959 and turned the nation into the first communist state in the western hemisphere.

In the early days of his government, he strengthened the Cuban ties with the Soviet Union by concluding trade agreements between their countries.

The invasion of the pig bay failed and in 1962 the Cuban missile crisis began. A year later, then President John F. Kennedy was murdered in Dallas, Texas

The invasion of the pig bay failed and in 1962 the Cuban missile crisis began. A year later, then President John F. Kennedy was murdered in Dallas, Texas

At the same time, Castro put pressure on Cuban relations with the US by directly challenging capitalism and increasing taxes on American imports.

At the time, the US was led by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, whose government developed a plan to overthrow Castro.

This plan, known as the invasion of the pig bay, was carried out in 1961 by Eisenhower’s successor, JFK.

He used a brigade of 1,400 by the CIA sponsored Cuban exiles to overthrow the communist government of Castro, but the invasion failed.

In 1962, the Soviet Union Ballistic missiles to Cuba began to ship in an attempt to strengthen their ties and to protect the island state against the US. This became known as the Cuban missile crisis.

This strengthened the decision of the Kennedy government to overthrow the Communist Cuban government.

The US then performed secret operations against Cuba through Operation Mongoose, a secret CIA initiative to get Castro out of power.

The proposal for Operation Northwoods was developed as part of this initiative.

This shocking document was kept secret for almost forty years until the JFK Assassination Records Review Board released it as part of 1,521 pages with previously classified military documents for the period 1962 to 1964.

(Tagstotranslate) DailyMail

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