Home Health Deadly Salmonella outbreak in US children linked to pet lizard droppings, CDC warns

Deadly Salmonella outbreak in US children linked to pet lizard droppings, CDC warns

Bearded dragons are common pets, but health officials do not recommend it

The CDC has issued a warning about a multi-state outbreak of fatal salmonella poisoning linked to lizards.

Nine of the patients are under five years old and are believed to have come into contact with their bearded dragons. Four people have been hospitalized and no deaths have been reported.

Lizards carry salmonella germs in their droppings, contaminating their living environment.

While lizards are commonly kept as pets, health officials maintain that young children, older people and people with weak immune systems should stay away.

When a person touches the bearded dragon or anything in its cage and then touches their mouth or the food they eat, they risk fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

The CDC recommends wash your hands regularly after handling the lizard, ensure that children under five years of age avoid contact, and have a dedicated enclosure that prevents them from roaming freely around the house.

Bearded dragons are common pets, but health officials do not recommend it

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