How many times have you said you’re fine when you actually feel the opposite?
The conversations we have about mental health have come a long way, but most of us born before Generation Z still find it difficult to admit when things aren’t going well.
That means we rarely know what another person is really going through.
Today, as Mercury opposes Mars retrograde, defenses may seem high. Give the benefit of the doubt where necessary and do your best to be kind.
Read monthre MailOnline horoscopes.
Jemima Cainer tells us that as Mercury opposes Mars retrograde, defenses may seem high. Give the benefit of the doubt where necessary and do your best to be kind.
(March 21 – April 20)
It’s amazing what can be achieved when you set your mind to something. Aries people have enormous courage, but that doesn’t mean you’re always confident in your plans. Today, however, with a little determination there is nothing that can stop you from reaching your potential. If the statements challenge your vision, don’t be discouraged. Uranus allows for a breakthrough that helps you feel confident enough in what you have to continue moving towards your chosen destination.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(April 21 – May 21)
Taurus determination is a bit like sunlight. It always makes its way no matter how cloudy the outlook is. Part of what makes you so trustworthy is the strength of character you display that can inspire others to discover their own strength. Today, what may initially seem like a setback is more likely a sign from Uranus, directing you toward a more exciting path. Don’t let something simple to fix make you doubt your ability to deal with the unexpected.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(May 22 – June 22)
When showers are forecast, we can choose how to prepare. We could pack our Macs or keep our luggage light and hope for the best. The warning allows preparation. But today, if it seems like life is raining down on you, don’t worry too much about locating your umbrella. A combination of sun and rain is the perfect recipe for the surprise blessing of a beautiful rainbow, and Uranus is helping you see that you already have what you need to weather any storm.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(June 23 – July 23)
Life plants seeds where you least expect it. I once managed to grow a weed in a small gap in my car door! The wind can carry seeds to the perfect place to thrive. Today the cosmos brings something unexpected your way and helps you turn a difficult decision into an exciting opportunity. Don’t rule out anything because it seems to be in the “wrong place.” In time, this seed could grow into something truly extraordinary. Your only task is to recognize it and nurture it.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(July 24 – August 23)
Modern astrologers don’t spend as much time as we would like looking at real stars. We spend as much time in front of a screen as we do under the cover of celestial bodies. Does that mean our work is less “authentic”? If you’re reflecting on the big picture today and doubting your ability to progress, don’t be. There are forces at play that will guide you towards a real and bright future. Today brings an unplanned moment of clarity or inspiration that will guide you forward.
Do you need to know what 2025 has in store for you? Call 0905 789 0305
(August 24 – September 23)
I often talk about the importance of your thoughts, but with good reason! They truly have the ability to shape your reality. Today brings further evidence of this, as activity in the Earth signs allows you to recognize how incredible your potential is now. You may not always see the best in yourself, but there are forces that never miss the moments when you truly shine. The cosmos is somewhat falling into place for you today and suddenly everything starts to make a lot more sense.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301

The Mail’s new astrologer, Jemima Cainer
(September 24 – October 23)
Today an opposition between Mercury and Mars retrograde reminds you that you are supposed to learn to take care of yourself. You are given an unexpected and nostalgic care package that supports progress. A forgotten opportunity resurfaces and reminds you of how things were. It may seem like a coincidence, but don’t underestimate its importance. This is the universe’s way of showing you that nothing is truly lost and that it is never too late to learn something new.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(October 24 – November 22)
Magic is wonderful and powerful. I’m not talking about magicians who pull rabbits out of hats. I mean the kind of force that knows everything. Magic, or as some call it, deep and true love, has the power to heal us and also harm us. Today, you can recognize the beauty of a connection and the surprising power it has to influence the direction you see yourself going. Magical moments are much more common than we think.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(November 23 – December 21)
Just when you think you have it all together, life seems to hit you with another wave. Your ability to navigate each of them is impressive, but perhaps even you wonder how much more you can handle today. An opposition between Mercury and Mars retrograde prompts you to consider difficult decisions around your self-esteem. You might think this would bring you down, but instead a wave of support lifts you higher. The water-churning cosmos is also throwing you a life jacket.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(December 22 – January 20)
You stay one step ahead of every game you play and strategize the most complex problems. Sometimes, however, thinking too much can mean you miss important things. Today, when Mercury in your sign opposes Mars retrograde in Cancer, an old defense is activated. However, before you build a blockage, give the cosmos a chance to provide you with the solution you need to help change an old problem. Do not doubt this heavenly gift. You’ll soon realize how perfectly it fits into the unfolding story.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(January 21 – February 19)
Is the person you really are, deep down, really the same person who should vacuum and mop? If we are all here on a spiritual path, surely those tedious jobs are an unnecessary distraction? Today you may feel like you are being pulled in two opposite directions, but an improbable cosmic symmetry helps you find true meaning in the mundane. Go about your business and trust that your deepest longing for spiritual growth is nurturing in the background.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(February 20 – March 20)
If we don’t do things in the right order, how will everything turn out? There’s a reason we’re always advised to put the horse before the cart… But sometimes, a little malfunction is exactly what makes moments truly memorable for all the right reasons. Today, as the opposition between Mercury in sensitive Capricorn and Mars retrograde causes a feeling of unease, Uranus is working a little magic to ensure that support arrives on its own schedule to your world.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301