Sometimes it’s not the biggest problems we face that we struggle with the most.
When it comes to our emotions, we often react to the smallest frustrations with a fierce intensity that can be far out of proportion to what happened.
It is not always what has happened, but the way it developed that causes the biggest problems.
Today, be very kind to yourself and kind to others. Small wounds can often run deeper than we perhaps recognize, but with gentle sensitivity we can make the world a kinder place.
Read monthre MailOnline horoscopes.
Jemima Cainer tells us that today we must be very gentle with ourselves and kind to others
(March 21 – April 20)
The smallest things can make us question everything. A familiar smell or a moment of déjà vu will transport us to the past. Today, as the Moon makes you unusually sensitive to nostalgia and a familiar annoyance returns from the past, you may feel at the mercy of those triggers. Sometimes it takes a day when we feel a little overwhelmed to reset. You are strong enough to handle what comes your way today, but if problems arise, be kind to yourself.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(April 21 – May 21)
Sometimes life puts a metaphorical pebble in our shoe. It can be tempting to ignore it and just keep wincing at every step with stoicism and a stiff upper lip. But you will remain uncomfortable until the problem is resolved. Today, the Moon urges you to prevent minor frustrations from leaving a lasting impression. Don’t let an uncomfortable feeling ruin your day. Pausing to get rid of anything that isn’t quite right will help you maintain a steady pace.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(May 22 – June 22)
The sun shines no matter the weather. When clouds pass over our small portion of the world, the light seems to dim. However, no matter how thick the layer is, those clouds will always pass and reveal the light of the celestial body that gives us life. You know this information, but it doesn’t make it easier for you to wait if you need to resolve certain issues. Today, if things feel a little dark, it’s important to remember that better days are ahead.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(June 23 – July 23)
Some philosophers maintain that time is illusory, but our experience of it is powerful. There are moments we wish we could drag on for eternity, yet we rarely recognize them when they are happening. At other times, when we want a feeling to end, every second seems too long. Maybe you can’t control time but today you can choose to remember that moments are a lot like our feelings. We can’t control them, but they will always happen.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(July 24 – August 23)
Have you forgotten who you are? Are you falling into some strange alternate reality where you’re not the strongest, bravest person you know? The fact that you had a little self-doubt today doesn’t alter the fact that you’ve faced much bigger problems than this. And a little uncertainty doesn’t mean your inner strength has diminished. You can thrive no matter how you feel today. Give yourself and the situation time and it will soon resolve itself.
Do you need to know what 2025 has in store for you? Call 0905 789 0305
(August 24 – September 23)
Have you ever remembered an embarrassing moment years later, in the middle of a quiet night? Negative thoughts can come out of nowhere, no matter how well we try to train ourselves to quit bad habits and self-deprecating self-talk. Today, if you find that your inner voice is not supporting you, remember that you don’t have to listen to it. You are much stronger than you look. No small setback has the power to knock you down in a moment of righteous empowerment.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301

The Mail’s new astrologer, Jemima Cainer
(September 24 – October 23)
When sailors navigate stormy waters, they waste no time trying to calm the sea. They won’t waste energy commanding the tides or even trying to correct the ship’s tilt. Instead, they are wise enough to focus on what they can control. They stabilize in the midst of chaos. You are able to apply this in your own world today. If you are feeling unsettled by external forces, remember that your ability to regulate your inner self will ensure that any storm soon feels manageable.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(October 24 – November 22)
A small splinter in a finger often hurts much more than its size suggests. Splinters can be painful but, with the right tools and constant touch, they can be easily removed. The relief is immediate. A similar situation in your world occurs today when the Moon in your sign makes a minor connection with Venus and Neptune. Don’t think too much about small problems that cause you emotional sensitivity. Trust that you will soon be able to eliminate any uncomfortable feelings.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(November 23 – December 21)
There are many jokes about finding a fly in the soup. As a child, this was no laughing matter to me: such a discovery would make me very sad! As adults, even when a small problem bothers us more than we intend, we know to address the problem and then move on. You may be surprised by how intensely you feel about an issue or challenge today. Don’t waste a whole plate of something good because of a small imperfection.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(December 22 – January 20)
Without suffering the frustration of occasional setbacks, overcoming adversity would be much less satisfying. Without falling, getting up seems much less impressive. Mistakes and moments when life seems complicated are difficult to appreciate in the moment. If today feels harder than anticipated, trust that you’ll soon be grateful for the contrast that lies ahead. A victory is on the way. Don’t get lost for too long in the midst of bad feelings when you have so much to look forward to on your way back.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(January 21 – February 19)
Little children are extraordinary. As adults, it’s easy to forget that we were once so determined and resilient. We didn’t tell ourselves we couldn’t do it when we were learning to roll, crawl, or walk. We keep trying. Today, an emotionally difficult situation can threaten to throw you off course. Don’t leave it. You may be an adult now, but you can still prove that every challenge is an opportunity to become a stronger, wiser, kinder person.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301
(February 20 – March 20)
Sometimes life feels full of little things that go wrong. We know there are people facing much worse problems, but that doesn’t stop the stress and annoyance. You may be dealing with one thing after another today as the Moon makes minor connections with the planets in your sign. But don’t worry too much about the ratio of your emotions. If you feel sadness, let it be. Like small problems and also big ones, it will soon disappear.
The stars have an important message for you… call 0905 789 0301