Home Australia Cruel Aussies shame the ‘ugliest’ names in the country – and some are very common

Cruel Aussies shame the ‘ugliest’ names in the country – and some are very common

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Australians share the worst names they commonly hear. People responded with familiar names that they have a negative association with, including Mercedes, Trent or Hamish.

Australians share the worst names they’ve ever heard, and some are much more common than you think.

Harsh Aussies People listed the most familiar names they can’t stand, including Mercedes, Karen, Trent and Hamish.

Others said they had been surprised by some strange names such as Jebecka, Galaxee and Keitha.

‘What are the worst names for Australian men and women commonly found today and why?’ one man asked on Reddit and received hundreds of responses.

—He seems to have calmed down a bit in recent years, but any kid named Malachai was a guaranteed idiot. This effect was multiplied by the multitude of versions with spelling errors. Malarkai, Malakye, Malaki, etc.’ said one.

Australians share the worst names they commonly hear. People responded with familiar names that they have a negative association with, including Mercedes, Trent or Hamish.

Australians share the worst names they commonly hear. People responded with familiar names that they have a negative association with, including Mercedes, Trent or Hamish.

“Every little boy I’ve ever met named Kai already has a mullet and a rat tail in kindergarten,” said a second, and a third replied, “Not to mention the related Jai/Jy/Jye.”

“So many Tye/Ty/Tais too,” another added.

One person noted that it would be difficult to be called Karen after the name became slang for an older or middle-aged woman who is too entitled or too demanding, especially in customer service environments.

“I’m a little older, but every Jason was a little tough and every Vanessa was ‘difficult,'” one user responded.

“If a guy’s name is Hamish and he’s under 20, he’s a bit shit,” laughed another.

One person noted that it would be difficult to be called Karen after the name became slang for an older or middle-aged woman who is entitled or demanding in customer service settings.

One person noted that it would be difficult to be called Karen after the name became slang for an older or middle-aged woman who is entitled or demanding in customer service settings.

One person noted that it would be difficult to be called Karen after the name became slang for an older or middle-aged woman who is entitled or demanding in customer service settings.

‘Nevaeh. No doubt,” said a third and a fourth responded: “You’ll never meet a well-adjusted guy named Trent.”

One person said their friend named their son Aiden, which would be fine if they didn’t call him ‘AIDS’ for short.

“The worst names are the ones people give their children things they can’t afford, for example: Mercedes, Chanel,” someone laughed.

“Anything that’s a normal, average, everyday name, but spelled in a fucking way using Y, X, Z or whatever name is a country, state or city,” said another.

Users began sharing the strangest names they had ever heard, including one person who said they had met a woman called ‘Jebecka’, a cross between Jessica and Rebecca, while another knew someone called ‘Galaxee’.

1711601261 22 Cruel Aussies shame the ugliest names in the country

1711601261 22 Cruel Aussies shame the ugliest names in the country

“The worst names are the ones people name their children after things they can’t afford, for example: Mercedes, Chanel,” someone laughed.

‘We have the usuals Brendan, Narelle, Janelle, Levi and Rhyleigh in the family, but the best name is Raevan. The children at the school include Bodhi, Jarrah, Cruz, Coco, Ocean, River, Lotus and Indiana. “The neighbor just called his daughter Alaska,” one father commented.

A second replied: ‘Siblings at my son’s school: Jaxton and Braxton. Go get Jax and Brax.’

‘My nephew’s name is Nalu, which apparently means ‘wave’ in Hawaiian. “We have exactly 0% Hawaiian heritage and it’s the most pretentious shit ever,” one guy laughed.

‘Former co-worker named her son Zayvier. The kids at daycare my daughter goes to are Navy, Chili, Ryver, Jaxxon and Jett, and we shouldn’t forget poor little Khaleesi. Then there’s Melania. A little boy with the same name as Trump’s wife? said another user.

-Keitha. It’s like Keith, but with a,” someone chimed in.

More of the worst names Australians have heard

‘There was a Reddit caption talking about Australian Idol and someone said one of the ‘singers’ was called Ripley. I said I couldn’t believe it, but it crossed their minds.

‘Don’t call a boy Jaxson. He’s embarrassing.’

‘I taught a boy named Decksxtaah. Poor boy. His sister was Moonleighah. The dog’s name was Shane. They had a baby, but long before I left. His name was Belocidy.

“There are still some Duanes and Dwaynes out there.”

‘There was an ‘Onya Cloud’ in my son’s playgroup. I don’t know if Cloud was a middle name or a last name, but either way it’s funny.’

‘Any US state or city as a name. Brooklyn, Dakota, etc.

“I have a distant relative who named his son Linkin.”

‘I knew someone who named his son Harley. Except that’s not how you spell it. It was Harleigh. And don’t get me started on the Melowdees and the Sindees.

“Nowadays, there are too many boys named Noah.”

‘I used to work with a Trent and a Brent; Trent lived for gossip and drama, and could be a complete bitch, throwing in the whole mean girl persona, and Brent? Brent threw chairs.

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