Home Australia Crocodile attack suspected in tragic death of teen after his dinghy broke down off the Australian coast

Crocodile attack suspected in tragic death of teen after his dinghy broke down off the Australian coast

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Queensland Police said a 13-year-old boy swam about 500 meters to shore on Saibai Island (pictured).

A body has been found during the search for a teenager who went missing off the Queensland coast, and police believe he was attacked by a crocodile while trying to swim to shore.

Search and rescue police were desperately trying to locate a 16-year-old boy who became lost in stormy seas after his boat broke down around 4am on Thursday.

A 13-year-old boy raised the alarm on Saibai Island and told authorities that his crewmate tried to swim to shore but failed.

The body has not yet been formally identified.

On Friday, Queensland Police confirmed the 16-year-old’s injuries were consistent with those suffered during a crocodile attack.

Queensland Police said a 13-year-old boy swam about 500 meters to shore on Saibai Island (pictured).

Torres Strait Queensland Police Acting Inspector Anthony Moynihan said he believes the children were about 500 meters north of the island when they abandoned the 5-metre fiberglass ‘banana boat’ after it would break down the engine.

It has not been confirmed whether the ship has been located or if alternative propulsion was on board.

He confirmed that the minor had been examined by paramedics and was now at home with his family.

“Right now he’s a little bit in shock,” he said. ABC News.

Eight boats and a Rescue 700 helicopter were sent to assist in the search.

Eight boats and a Rescue 700 helicopter were sent to assist in the search.

The couple are believed to be cousins.

Inspector Moynihan previously said police were concentrating on three or four main areas both by sea and land.

Eight boats and a Rescue 700 helicopter were sent to assist in the search.

Investigations are ongoing.

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