Home Australia Courtney, 20, was about to start her dream job and brushed off the migraines she’d been having. Then she woke up paralysed and unable to speak

Courtney, 20, was about to start her dream job and brushed off the migraines she’d been having. Then she woke up paralysed and unable to speak

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Courtney Grant was ready to start her dream job in the real estate industry in just one day. She then woke up paralyzed on her right side and unable to speak.
  • Courtney Grant suffered a stroke in her sleep



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Courtney Grant was ready to start her dream job in the real estate industry in just one day.

Although the 20-year-old had been suffering from migraines and vomiting attacks in the previous months, she was delighted with her emerging career and put the persistent illness out of her mind.

Then her excitement turned to pure terror on February 25, when she woke up in her Bray Park home in Brisbane paralyzed on her right side and unable to speak.

Mrs Grant had suffered a rare stroke and a vital artery on the right side of her neck was now blocking critical blood flow.

Courtney Grant was ready to start her dream job in the real estate industry in just one day. She then woke up paralyzed on her right side and unable to speak.

Courtney Grant was ready to start her dream job in the real estate industry in just one day. She then woke up paralyzed on her right side and unable to speak.

He finally managed to get out of bed but fell directly to the floor.

Still unable to call for help, she feared that her mother, who was sleeping in the next room, would soon find her dead.

‘It took me 20 minutes to try to scream. “My mother ran in when I was loud enough for her to finally hear my moans,” Ms. Grant told the mail.

Paramedics took Grant to the hospital, where she underwent emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from her groin.

Doctors were unable to tell Grant’s mother whether her daughter would walk or talk again.

But five days later, Grant regained the ability to move and was answering questions.

Ms Grant suffered a stroke and was rushed to hospital by paramedics, where she underwent emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from her groin.

Ms Grant suffered a stroke and was rushed to hospital by paramedics, where she underwent emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from her groin.

Ms Grant suffered a stroke and was rushed to hospital by paramedics, where she underwent emergency surgery to remove a blood clot from her groin.

She was diagnosed with vasculitis, a condition that affects blood flow to tissues and organs, and was almost certainly the cause of her mysterious migraines and nausea.

“I have a long road ahead of me with several appointments and rehabilitation, but I have been told there is little to no chance of this happening again,” Mrs Grant said.

‘I have so much anxiety at the thought of this happening again and I have tried to erase some of the memories.

“I have a lot of respect and appreciation for my life and am focused on recovering in time for my 21st birthday later this year.”

The family has created a GoFundMe page for Grant as he continues his recovery.

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