Home Australia Court hears how former Jetstar captain Greg Lynn allegedly killed two elderly campers in cold blood as murder trial officially opens

Court hears how former Jetstar captain Greg Lynn allegedly killed two elderly campers in cold blood as murder trial officially opens

Greg Lynn outside the Supreme Court of Victoria at the start of his Melbourne murder trial

Former Jetstar captain Greg Lynn probably first murdered elderly camper Russell Hill before shooting Carol Clay in the head after a dispute over the use of a drone, a jury heard.

Police allege Hill, 74, and Carol Clay, 73, were killed while camping in the remote Wonnanangatta Valley in Victoria’s alpine region more than four years ago.

On Tuesday, Lynn, 57, of Caroline Springs in Melbourne’s west, appeared in the Supreme Court of Victoria, where a 15-person jury is in the process of hearing the opening of the prosecution.

Greg Lynn outside the Supreme Court of Victoria at the start of his Melbourne murder trial

The Burned Camp by Russell Hill and Carol Clay

The Burned Camp by Russell Hill and Carol Clay

The jury was shown an image of what police say is Lynn carrying the bodies of Russell Hill and Carol Clay.

The jury was shown an image of what police say is Lynn carrying the bodies of Russell Hill and Carol Clay.

Opening the trial, Crown prosecutor Daniel Porceddu told the jury that exactly how and why Lynn allegedly killed the couple is unknown.

“The precise circumstances of the murder are unknown, as well as its motivation,” he said.

The jury heard it was most likely a dispute over the use of Mr Hill’s drone.

“It is likely that there was a dispute regarding Mr. Hill’s drone or the vision captured on his drone,” Porceddu said.

‘There could have been an argument or confrontation between the men. It is not known how Mr Hill was murdered.

Police believe Hill was killed first, as she likely would have called for help or resisted if Clay had been killed first.

“The prosecution alleges that Mr. Hill was most likely killed first, in part because it is highly unlikely that Ms. Clay provoked a violent confrontation with the firearm or posed any threat to the defendant, other than having witnessed or had knowledge of the violent death of Mr. Hill. ‘ said Mr Porceddu.

“If he had been alive, Mr. Hill also could have easily called for help if he had known that Ms. Clay had been shot.”

The jury heard Ms Clay was allegedly shot in the head by Lynn with a ‘Barathrum Arms’ 12 gauge shotgun.

Police allege Carol Clay was shot in the head and killed in March 2020.

Police allege Carol Clay was shot in the head and killed in March 2020.

Police allege Russell Hill was camping with Clay when they were killed.

Police allege Russell Hill was camping with Clay when they were killed.

Lynn is then accused of trying to cover her tracks.

“The defendant is alleged to have gone to considerable lengths to contaminate the scene, conceal evidence and try to distance himself from what appeared,” Mr Porceddu said.

The court heard Lynn allegedly moved the couple’s bodies by placing them in his trailer after setting fire to his shop and an area near Hill’s vehicle in the hope of hiding forensic evidence.

The jury was shown photographs of the burned campsite and Mr Hill’s damaged vehicle.

Also shown was a vehicle pulling a trailer in which police say Lynn was taking the couple’s bodies.

Mr. Porceddu said Lynn. They took their wallets, cash, phones, Hill’s drone and car keys before packing up and driving away with the bodies.

In the early hours of March 21, a witness was awakened by a vehicle with a trailer passing by his location.

Greg Lynn is accused of changing the color of his vehicle from blue to beige

Greg Lynn is accused of changing the color of his vehicle from blue to beige

Greg Lynn as he appears in court during his murder trial.

Greg Lynn as he appears in court during his murder trial.

Police allege Lynn attempted to escape in the early hours but was hindered by a closed road, forcing him to make a complicated U-turn.

The jury was shown images of the bush where Lynn allegedly dumped the couple’s bodies.

The jury heard that Lynn then changed the color of the 4×4 he used to transport the bodies from beige to blue.

He also allegedly removed a canopy from the vehicle after an image of his vehicle appeared on a 60 Minutes program highlighting the mystery of the missing campers.

On April 1, 2020, Lynn announced her trailer and other articles on Gumtree.

Prosecutors alleged he tried to get rid of the trailer because it contained forensic evidence linked to Mr. Hill and Ms. Clay.

On May 12, after Covid restrictions were lifted in Victoria, police allege Lynn returned to the site where she dumped the couple’s bodies to ensure they were still hidden.

Greg Lynn was a Jetstar captain when he allegedly committed the murders.

Greg Lynn was a Jetstar captain when he allegedly committed the murders.

The court heard Hill and Clay had been childhood sweethearts and had been in a secret relationship since 2006.

Porceddu said Clay had expressed excitement about going camping with Hill in the days before his death.

Hill told his wife he would be gone for about a week before leaving to pick Clay up at his home in Pakenham.

The couple traveled together to an area of ​​the valley known as Bucks Camp.

Witnesses stated that they parked in a neighborhood close to where Lynn had set up camp a day earlier.

The jury heard that Mr Hill, a keen amateur radio operator, had spoken to his colleagues on the radio on the night of March 20.

Witnesses stated that Hill appeared to be fine and showed no signs of conflict or distress.

A friend gave Mr Hill instructions on how he could leave the valley.

Never heard of him.

The police allege Lynn murdered Mr. Hill and Mrs. Clay that night.

Lynn pleaded not guilty to two counts of murder.

The opening of the trial continues.

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