Home Australia Controversial MAFS bride Sara Mesa breaks her silence on that dinner party blow-up… and spills on her sex life with Tim: ‘It was the glue that kept us together’

Controversial MAFS bride Sara Mesa breaks her silence on that dinner party blow-up… and spills on her sex life with Tim: ‘It was the glue that kept us together’

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Married At First Sight girlfriend Sara Mesa has broken her silence after Wednesday night's explosive dinner party. A shouting match broke out between Sara and her husband Tim Calwell as the couple debated canceled dates. Both in the photo

Married At First Sight girlfriend Sara Mesa has broken her silence after Wednesday night’s explosive dinner party.

A shouting match broke out between Sara, 29, and her husband Tim Calwell, 31, as the couple debated canceled dates in front of the rest of the cast.

But on The Kyle and Jackie O Show on Thursday, Sara admitted to host Kyle Sandilands that while her reaction was real, much of the context of the show was removed.

“In a lot of conversations you see ten percent… Tim is a lovely guy,” the nutritionist said.

After being pressed by Kyle and Jackie ‘O’ Henderson about the couple’s sex life, Sara confessed that “it was the glue that kept us together, I’ll say that.”

Married At First Sight girlfriend Sara Mesa has broken her silence after Wednesday night’s explosive dinner party. A shouting match broke out between Sara and her husband Tim Calwell as the couple debated canceled dates. Both in the photo

On The Kyle and Jackie O Show on Thursday, Sara admitted to host Kyle Sandilands that while her reaction was real, much of the context of the show was removed:

On The Kyle and Jackie O Show on Thursday, Sara admitted to host Kyle Sandilands that while her reaction was real, much of the show’s context was removed: “In a lot of the conversations, you see ten percent…” “Tim is a lovely guy.”

‘Oh, so you had good sex together?’ And didn’t that make you like him more? Jackie asked.

Sara explained: “It was confusing for me because for the first few weeks I had a lot of doubts about how I felt about Tim and that was one of the concerns that wasn’t shown.

‘There was very little emotional connection on our honeymoon, the conversations were not that deep.

‘I felt nervous energy from the beginning. And I told him: “I really want to get to know you before we jump into love, before we get into it.”

“But I pulled back hugely because I felt like I just wanted to get to know him and… there weren’t any good conversations.”

After being pressed by Kyle and Jackie 'O' Henderson about the couple's sex life, Sara confessed that

After being pressed by Kyle and Jackie ‘O’ Henderson about the couple’s sex life, Sara confessed that “it was the glue that kept us together, I’ll say that.”

'Oh, so you had good sex together?' And didn't that make you like him more? Jackie O asked.

‘Oh, so you had good sex together?’ And didn’t that make you like him more? asked Jackie O. “It was confusing for me because for the first few weeks I had a lot of doubts about how I felt about Tim and that was one of the concerns that wasn’t shown,” Sara responded.

1707967923 730 Controversial MAFS bride Sara Mesa breaks her silence on that

“There was very little emotional connection on our honeymoon, the conversations were not that deep,” explained the nutritionist.

During Wednesday’s dinner show, Tim tried to express how upset he was that Sara canceled a date he had set up three times.

However, his television wife continued to interrupt him again and again.

So often was she seen talking over him during dinner, that several other contestants even asked her to shut up and let Tim say his piece.

Sara ignored them all and continued to get defensive until she questioned the dates Tim claimed he had cancelled.

'I felt nervous energy from the beginning. And I told him, "I really want to get to know you before we jump into affection, before we get into it.". MAFS girlfriend remembered

‘I felt nervous energy from the beginning. And I told him: “I really want to get to know you before we jump into love, before we get into it.” MAFS girlfriend remembered

‘He didn’t really plan anything. He didn’t say, “Let’s go here, let’s do this.” He just said, “Let’s do something on Sunday,” she insisted.

Tim was visibly frustrated by this and quickly corrected himself: “No, I said, ‘You’re booked from 2pm onwards, wear something nice.'”

After the couple calmed down and received advice from the other contestants, Tim attempted to apologize to Sara.

But chaos erupted again when Sara continued to berate him.

1707967923 656 Controversial MAFS bride Sara Mesa breaks her silence on that

“But I pulled back hugely because I felt like I just wanted to get to know him and… there weren’t any good conversations,” Sara added.

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