Two of the men involved in the massive fight with Cam Newton that went viral on social media have broken their silence about the fight, claiming the former NFL quarterback provoked it by badmouthing them.
Newton, who last played for the Carolina Panthers in 2021, was involved in a fight at a 7-on-7 football event in Atlanta on Sunday, when cameras caught him fighting with several men after appearing to be ambushed by a large group. .
On Monday, a video emerged of a man wearing a TopShelf Performance hoodie, who was apparently involved in the fight, appearing to hit Newton before the fight broke out.
“I’m going to say it: They can’t hide the film now…your hero quarterback from Atlanta, who doesn’t throw, can’t beat me,” he said.
And after footage of the fight went viral over the weekend, the man who was heard pointing at Newton and then fighting with the former NFL MVP, TopShelf Performance trainer TJ Brown revealed the story behind it.

Two of the men involved in the massive fight with Cam Newton that has gone viral on social media have broken their silence.

Newton was involved in a fight at a 7-on-7 football event in Atlanta on Sunday, when cameras caught him fighting with several men.
Brown discussed the fallout with Newton, which centered on him and his little brother Steph, also a TopShelf Performance football coach.
The Brown brothers have pitted their youth team against Newton’s in the past and beat them three times, meaning there was no love lost when they met for the fourth time on Sunday.
TJ alleges that Newton initially started a war of words by badmouthing his team, opening up about what happened in an interview with Fox News.
“It’s probably three minutes into the game and he’s sitting upstairs with all his kids around him under a tent yelling at us,” he said of Newton. “Hey, I know that play. That’s my stuff. I taught you everything you know. I’m all of you, Dad. I made you all. I’m the reason for everything you have in.” He’s just yelling all this stuff.
Brown later revealed that the physical altercation began when his brother Steph confronted Newton after the game, which is when the situation escalated.
Video footage showed Newton grabbing Steph by her jacket after exchanging insults, before TJ intervened.
“If you’re walking up a flight of stairs and you see a 6’6″ man grab your little brother trying to throw him down the stairs, you’re going to intervene,” TJ said.
‘It doesn’t matter who you are, it will be more of a punch, more of a push, more of a grab. Are you going to do something. So at that point, with Cam putting his hands on another grown man, something will come after that.

TJ Brown (right) claimed Newton provoked the fight by badmouthing his youth team.

The fight then turned physical between Newton and Brown’s little brother, Steph (left).

He says Newton was being “typical Cam” by bad-mouthing his youth team during the game.
“If you ask anyone about me, I’m not confrontational, I’m not loud, I don’t get angry with people, I don’t argue with people, I don’t fight, I don’t do any of that.” those crazy things. That is not me.’
TJ went on to describe Newton’s antics as “typical Cam Newton behavior in the 7-on-7 scene.”
“No one is going to let you go around disrespecting them and talking crazy to them,” he added. “I know how to ignore it, but not everyone is like that.”
Steph also added: “I’m disappointed in myself. I let Cam provoke me to that point where I lingered on what he was doing, but it was never out of ill will or to put him in danger.
“I’m 5’9,” man, but I stand by what I stand by. I say what I’m going to say no matter what. I don’t have to be loud, this and that. But me going up had to let him know: “Cam, you’re not going to disrespect our organization, you’re not going to disrespect our children or our parents here. You’re bigger than that.”‘