Home Australia Cleaning Expert Reveals Great $3.25 Kmart Purchase to Get Rid of Mold, Bugs, and Pests in Your Home

Cleaning Expert Reveals Great $3.25 Kmart Purchase to Get Rid of Mold, Bugs, and Pests in Your Home

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Anita Birges recommended using giant chalk along with clove, lavender and peppermint essential oils to solve all your problems.

An Australian cleaning and organization guru has shared her simple trick for preventing mold and deterring pests in your wardrobe.

Anita Birges, who directs Mise en Place Professional Organizationrecommended using giant chunks of chalk along with clove, lavender, and peppermint essential oils to solve all your problems.

The expert simply adds a few drops of clove oil to a giant stick of chalk and keeps it in her drawer to absorb moisture and kill mold spores.

You can find the chalk at several Australian retailers, including Kmart, where you can buy a pack of 20 for just $3.25.

Anita recommends placing DIY deterrents on the side of drawers and on the top shelf of the closet without a container.

Anita Birges recommended using giant chalk along with clove, lavender and peppermint essential oils to solve all your problems.

The professional also revealed that it is best to use white chalk so that the pigment does not stain clothing.

You will need a few drops of lavender oil on another piece of chalk to get rid of moths and silverfish.

Lastly, peppermint oil works wonders by leaving drawers smelling fresh and deterring spiders, mice, and other creepy crawlies.

Anita recommends putting two to three drops of essential oil for each piece of giant chalk.

Purchase all your oils at your local pharmacy.

How do I get rid of mold and pests in my closet?

Clove oil Prevents mold! Chalk absorbs moisture, while clove oil is known to kill mold spores.

lavender oil Eliminates moths and silverfish.

peppermint oil Leave your drawers smelling fresh and deter spiders, mice and other creepy crawlies.

Simply place three drops of each essential oil on a giant piece of chalk and keep them in your drawers and closet.

You can find the chalk at Kmart, where you can purchase a 20-pack for just $3.25.

It is best to use white chalk so that the pigment does not stain clothing.

You can find the chalk at several Australian retailers including Kmart where you can buy a pack of 20 for just $3.25.

Many thanked Anita for her advice and shared their own tips and tricks in the comments.

‘Clove oil keeps those little ants out of my kitchen!’ one revealed.

One woman asked, ‘Any ideas on what works for pantry bugs?’ Those little black grain weevils keep coming back. I’ve cleaned so many times!’

Anita suggested peppermint oil to keep weevils out of her house.

Another woman also revealed an alternative cheap trick to get rid of the little pests in her pantry.

“I use dried basil leaves in flour,” said one woman. ‘Pest control companies recommend it as a natural deterrent.

‘Some people also recommend placing dried bay leaves on pantry shelves or sticking them to the closet wall. Since bay leaves give off a strong pungent odor, they can repel small pests and other tiny organisms such as weevils.’

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