Home US Christian pastor Joel Webbon’s shocking explanation of why he always chooses a white doctor instead of a black one

Christian pastor Joel Webbon’s shocking explanation of why he always chooses a white doctor instead of a black one

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Joel Webbon of the Covenant Bible Church in Texas insisted that black doctors were more likely to have been given a

An influential “Christian nationalist” pastor who claims God does not want women to vote has sparked fury again after claiming black doctors are given a “free pass” in medical school.

Joel Webbon of Covenant Bible Church in Texas told his followers on social media that he would always choose a white doctor over a black doctor because “if one of them was unqualified and given a free pass, it would be the black doctor.”

The bearded cleric runs his church from a roadside diner outside Austin but has nearly 200,000 followers on social media and made his latest incendiary comments on an edition of his Theology Applied podcast.

He claimed he would feel the same if he were black, but was called out for “pure, raw racism” when his comments went viral on X.

“You can’t become a doctor without passing real tests,” one respondent noted. “I also pray that I never have to be saved by a black doctor and that they are the only ones out there.”

Joel Webbon of the Covenant Bible Church in Texas insisted that black doctors are more likely to have been given a “free pass,” making them more dangerous than white doctors.

The controversial pastor made his comments on his Right Response Ministries podcast

The controversial pastor made his comments on his Right Response Ministries podcast

The Christian influencer who runs Right Response Ministries claimed his wife once offered him a choice between a white doctor and a black one.

“When we moved to Texas, I needed a new cardiologist,” he said.

‘And my wife does a lot of this for me, because before we had kids she was a nurse and she knows a lot more than I do.

‘She does the research and shows me two doctors, both within the same office, same company, same hospital.

“One was a white kid and the other was a black kid. And I said I preferred the white kid.

“The reason is not because he is white,” he insisted.

‘We are currently living in a historic moment in the West, and particularly in these United States, in which I know that these two boys could be perfectly qualified.

“But I also know that if there’s a chance that one of them is unqualified and gets a free pass, it would be the black kid. I know that young white kid has no way of getting a free pass.”

He did not explain how a doctor could practice without a medical license, but attempts to address the underrepresentation of black students in medical schools have faced growing backlash since the Supreme Court voted to ban affirmative action in higher education last year.

Administrators at UCLA’s world-renowned David Geffen School of Medicine came under pressure in June amid warnings that standards had slipped because of their efforts to recruit more black students.

Webbon previously revealed that his wife, pictured, requires his approval for every book she reads, while claiming women should not be allowed to vote.

Webbon previously revealed that his wife, pictured, requires his approval for every book she reads, while claiming women should not be allowed to vote.

According to Webbon, he is in charge of everything in his house, including when his children go to the bathroom.

According to Webbon, he is in charge of everything in his house, including when his children go to the bathroom.

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Critics on social media were quick to point out that black students still have to pass the same exams as their white counterparts to qualify as doctors.

Critics on social media were quick to point out that black students still have to pass the same exams as their white counterparts to qualify as doctors.

The school has fallen from sixth to 18th in the rankings since 2020, with some staff saying the admissions bar for underrepresented minorities is now “as low as you can imagine.”

But critics on social media were quick to point out that black students still have to pass the same exams as their white counterparts to qualify as doctors.

“Do you think just because someone is a black doctor that they don’t have to take classes, pass tests, get certified, etc. like everyone else?” asked Andre Marcel Harris.

“The funny thing is that it’s probably the other way around, since nepotism and networking can often substitute for merit or talent,” wrote Riley Xskobar.

“Unfortunately, he’s right,” David Isaacson joked.

“My point is that there is NO WAY that the white doctor is given a free pass. Let’s say… he has wealthy parents who could use their wealth to fraudulently inflate entrance exam scores, bribe university officials to gain admission, etc.”

The provocative pastor rose to prominence earlier this summer when he called for women to be stripped of the right to vote.

“If we had a Christian nation and women could vote, in 50 years we would no longer have a Christian nation,” she said.

“God did not design women for war, and that is part of what politics is. In fact, that is all politics is: war without blood.

“I believe that the sword has been given to men. The sword is – without being crude, I believe this to be a fact – a phallus. It has been assigned by God to men.”

Webbon compared women to five-year-old children, explaining that “she is like a child in the sense that God has appointed men to protect them.”

In a previous edition of the podcast, he explained that he needs to approve every book his wife reads and that he is in charge of everything in their home, even when their children go to the bathroom.

“I have four people in my life who I decide the hours of the day for,” she said. “I decide what time they go to the bathroom, when we eat, what we eat, what we wear.”

“They are my children. They are the people over whom I have almost unlimited authority,” he continued.

He has also spoken of the need for the United States to be ruled by a “Caesar-type” Christian dictator who “simply rules with an iron fist” and forces everyone to at least “pretend” to be Christian.

The bearded cleric runs his church from a roadside diner outside Austin, but has nearly 200,000 followers on social media.

The bearded cleric runs his church from a roadside diner outside Austin, but has nearly 200,000 followers on social media.

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“For anyone in the area who may be looking for a courageous, biblical church willing to take a stand against the WAKENED NONSENSE of the culture and the CIVIL TYRANNY of the state, we would be honored to have you join us,” their church website states.

And his comments garnered much approval from some commentators on social media.

And his comments garnered much approval from some commentators on social media.

Some supported her comments about Black physicians, suggesting that DEI initiatives have lowered standards across the board.

“DEI has tarnished the records of successful physicians because it values ​​skin color over merit,” Make Abortion History wrote. “Until it is destroyed, it will be an unfortunate reality that people will have to consider in life-or-death situations.”

“This is not racist,” Cornhusker01 added. “Medical schools have to meet racial quotas for minorities and whites are not part of that.”

“If you lower your standards for the sake of image, it’s better to use image to make the right decision and avoid those who got away with low standards,” insisted a third.

Others pointed to studies suggesting that black people prefer to be treated by black doctors and have better health outcomes as a result.

But even more accused him of promoting a parody of Christianity for publicity purposes.

“Pure racism,” wrote Richard Natale. “He ignored the parts of the Bible that address all of God’s children.”

“He is the antithesis of a true follower of Jesus,” said Kevin Fifield. “Therefore, he should be publicly shunned until he repents.”

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