Home US Can you spot the hidden hiker on the side of this Colorado mountain?

Can you spot the hidden hiker on the side of this Colorado mountain?

A Reddit user shared a photo of his wife at Mount Princeton online, which became an unintentional riddle.

A nature lover challenged Reddit users to find his wife hiding in a photo He took it on a mountain in Colorado.

The husband, known as u/needforreid on Reddit, captured the photo of his wife while visiting a talus field in Mount Princeton last summer.

The Reddit user revealed that he picked out his wife’s outfit before the hike and that her outfit was mostly black, gray, and white.

Solving this unplanned puzzle requires thinking like a hiker and remembering that your wife is no beginner.

A Reddit user shared a photo of his wife at Mount Princeton online, which became an unintentional riddle.

Talus fields, like the one in the Reddit photo from October 20, are a collection of rocks at the base of a mountain or on a slope.

The hiker admitted that the talus field at Mount Princeton was a “real trip” but “fun to climb.”

“Everything feels pretty stable when you’re walking for the most part,” he wrote.

‘The slope in this section is not too steep for rockfalls to be a problem. Towards the summit that changes.’

The couple said they enjoyed exploring the “truly huge” area.

Footage viewers who saw the Reddit user’s wife could see that she did not struggle and maintained her balance.

She also seemed calm as she stood on the rocks and looked at her feet.

Whoever managed to find it in a minute in the rocky slope field without reading clues or zooming in on the image, can have an incredible vision.

Others who weren’t so lucky were among several Reddit users who needed help finding u/needforreid’s wife, even after he revealed the answer.

The husband, known as u/needforreid on Reddit, captured the photo of his wife while visiting a talus field in Mount Princeton.

The husband, known as u/needforreid on Reddit, captured the photo of his wife while visiting a talus field in Mount Princeton.

His wife was wearing a black, gray and white outfit, which she picked out before exploring the mountain.

His wife was wearing a black, gray and white outfit, which she picked out before exploring the mountain.

The hiker revealed shortly after posting the photo that his wife was in the “center left of the frame.”

His wife was located just below the glare of the sun, and not even her white hat could make her stand out completely from the rocks.

Several of the more than 500 Reddit users who looked at the photo had trouble finding the hike, which one person believed was “married to the trails.”

‘Are you one of those people who marry objects? Maybe you married a rock because I couldn’t detect a human? one Reddit user joked.

Other Reddit users surprisingly believed his wife was a rock, imaginary, or had “disappeared in the desert.”

Some Reddit users managed to find his wife, but admitted that it took them “quite a while” to find her.

One person wrote: ‘I found it instantly. Maybe because I used to build trails and I could see the ‘path’ through the scree and I just followed it.’

Reddit users who weren’t intrigued by finding u/needforreid’s wife advised the hiker to wear bright colors for now to increase his safety.

‘Please wear bright colors when hiking. Search and Rescue will never catch you using that,” one person wrote.

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