Home Australia Bus driver is suspended for a very dangerous act on a busy road and you won’t believe what he did

Bus driver is suspended for a very dangerous act on a busy road and you won’t believe what he did

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The driver (pictured) was using his phone, apparently to carry out an online payment transaction, and a FIFO worker on the bus was so shocked that he filmed what was happening as evidence.



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A bus driver has been suspended after he was filmed using his phone to transfer money while driving a bus on a busy road.

The driver was caught in the middle of the dangerous act by a FIFO worker while the vehicle was traveling on the Gateway Highway in Boondall, Brisbane, on February 23.

Nambour man Warren Smith pulled out his phone and captured the daring act which showed the bus driver fiddling with his mobile screen.

“He changed lanes, cut off a car and they were honking at him, so he was a little bit of a reckless driver and wasn’t paying attention,” Smith said. Costa del Sol Diary.

The driver’s actions led to his employer Con-X-ion suspending him, and director Paul Stratton said the company was investigating the incident.

The driver (pictured) was using his phone, apparently to carry out an online payment transaction, and a FIFO worker on the bus was so shocked that he filmed what was happening as evidence.

The driver (pictured) was using his phone, apparently to carry out an online payment transaction, and a FIFO worker on the bus was so shocked that he filmed what was happening as evidence.

Smith said that after the driver finished his wire transfer he began checking his messages, all while driving a full bus.

He said what happened was “ridiculous.”

The FIFO worker said he was terrified even though he himself carries out a “highly dangerous job” helping to build transmission lines.

“We used helicopters, a lot of dangerous equipment and the most dangerous part of my month off work was the trip from Brisbane Airport back to the Sunshine Coast,” he said.

“The most dangerous part of my job should not be the trip to and from the airport.”

The company apologized to Mr Smith and offered a refund, but the FIFO worker said he refuses to use a bus operated by them ever again.

Smith said that in future he will take the Airtrain from Nambour, which, although it takes 30 minutes longer, is “a lot cheaper and will certainly be a lot safer.”

In a company statement, Stratton said the driver had been suspended immediately.

“There was initial confusion about which driver was involved in this incident, as a third-party contracted driver also provided a portion of the ride for this customer,” he said.

‘After further investigation, we have identified that the driver in question was a driver working for Con-X-ion.

‘Con-X-ion does not tolerate unsafe or distracted driving by any of our drivers and we are very disappointed with the driver’s action on this occasion.

“The driver involved has been immediately suspended and we will now continue our internal disciplinary process.”

Daily Mail Australia has contacted Con-X-ion for further comment.

After the driver finished his bank transfer, he began checking his messages, all while driving a packed bus, one passenger said.

After the driver finished his bank transfer, he began checking his messages, all while driving a packed bus, one passenger said.

After the driver finished his bank transfer, he began checking his messages, all while driving a packed bus, one passenger said.

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