Home Australia Brittany Higgins to marry David Sharaz in June

Brittany Higgins to marry David Sharaz in June

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Brittany Higgins to marry David Sharaz in June

Brittany Higgins’ lawyers have revealed she will marry her fiancé David Sharaz within weeks.

The wedding date was revealed on Thursday as Ms Higgins’ legal teams returned to the WA Supreme Court amid Senator Linda Reynolds’ defamation action against her.

Ms Reynolds is suing Ms Higgins over social media posts she claims damaged her reputation.

Outside court on Thursday, Ms Reynolds’ lawyer, Martin Bennet, said he made an application to obtain a copy of documentation relating to a trust account in her name.

The Brittany Higgins Protection Trust was established in February last year after she was awarded $2.4 million in compensation for the way her rape allegations were handled between 2019 and 2021.

“We don’t know who the trustee is, we don’t know what Australian, Victorian, New South Wales or ACT law that governs it, we need to know those facts and we get them by finding a document,” he said.

Chief Justice Peter Quinlan accommodated her wedding date and ordered the matter returned to court for a directions hearing on June 17.

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