Home Tech British Library did the right thing by not paying cybercriminals | Letter

British Library did the right thing by not paying cybercriminals | Letter

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British Library did the right thing by not paying cybercriminals | Letter

The British Library should be applauded for refusing to pay cybercriminals who targeted it last year (ransomware groups warned there was no money to attack the British state, 12 March). At the National Cyber ​​Security Centre, part of GCHQ, we have long shared the view of our law enforcement partners that the payment of ransoms should not be tolerated, encouraged or approved. This does not guarantee the return of access to data or computers, and actually increases the likelihood that the victim will be targeted in the future.

Every ransom paid gives criminals the message that the attacks work and are worth doing again. We are committed to working with our partners – including internationally through the Counter Ransomware Initiative – to make the UK the toughest possible target for ransomware attacks. But we cannot do this in isolation. By responding to her attack in the transparent manner it did, the library set a good example. We encourage all organizations to read his informative review.
Felicity Oswald
Acting CEO, National Cybersecurity Center

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