Home World British grandmother passes out and wanders around Thai hotel naked for four hours after drinking ‘spiked’ bucket of whiskey and Coke

British grandmother passes out and wanders around Thai hotel naked for four hours after drinking ‘spiked’ bucket of whiskey and Coke

Janet West visited Bangkok to celebrate Thai New Year in April 2019

A British grandmother claims she blacked out and ended up wandering around her hotel naked for hours after drinking from a bucket of “spiked” alcohol in Thailand.

Janet West, 61, recalled her ordeal in Bangkok amid ongoing investigations into the deaths of six tourists in nearby Laos, in which It is believed to be a mass incident of methanol poisoning from shots and buckets of alcohol.

The mother-of-two from Swansea, Wales, celebrated Thai New Year on the city’s famous Khaosan Road, drinking what she thought was whiskey and Coke from a bucket.

She said that after going to bed she thought she had dreamed that hotel staff were walking her back to her room.

But she later discovered it wasn’t a dream: She was told she had been wandering around naked for four hours.

“I was lucky to survive and have no side effects, but now I’m afraid to drink the local spirits in Thailand,” Janet said.

“Local alcohol is not properly distilled and although it is cheap, it is not worth the risk – stick with imported spirits or bottled beer.”

Janet, now retired, visited Thailand for local New Year celebrations in April 2019 and has been traveling the world alone since 2022, but says the incident made her think twice about drinking in the region.

Janet West visited Bangkok to celebrate Thai New Year in April 2019

She said she bought a bucket of whiskey and Coke, but believes it was adulterated.

She said she bought a bucket of whiskey and Coke, but believes it was adulterated.

Janet, who previously worked in the army and in a bar, said she visited the country again in 2023 but now rarely drinks there.

Recalling the night she suspected she was poisoned, she says staff later told her she left the room she shared with her boyfriend naked shortly after going to sleep.

She later recalled that she believed she was a pregnant teenager and had to be transported to a special delivery unit.

She came to when hotel staff noticed her trying to leave the building and escorted her back to her room, she was later told.

She said: “On that visit we were buying buckets of whiskey and coke, but I have no idea what we were actually drinking.”

“Later they told me it was ethanol, due to the incomplete distillation process.”

He said other tourists had warned him about people dying or going blind after drinking from buckets of cheap alcohol.

“It’s really difficult because in Thailand they put drinks around your neck.

‘They just knock on your door shouting ‘free shots’ and no one questions them.

Janet West with her then partner, David, while in Thailand

Janet West with her then partner, David, while in Thailand

Janet first fell in love with the food, golden temples, warm sea and beautiful beaches of Thailand in 2016. After her terrifying visit in April 2019, she went again in 2023, but says she doesn't drink much now.

Janet first fell in love with Thai food, golden temples, warm sea and beautiful beaches in 2016. After her terrifying visit in April 2019, she visited again in 2023, but says she doesn’t drink much now.

Janet told staff she was probably drinking ethanol drinks that night.

“I feel very sad for the unfortunate travelers in Laos and very disgusted with the people who made the alcohol and sold it.”

Six people, including a British student, died after swallowing drinks believed to be laced with methanol, a cheap, toxic substance used to increase the volume of alcoholic drinks.

Simone White, 28, from Orpington, Kent, died after receiving injections believed to contain methanol at a hostel in Laos in November.

Sue White, mother of the British victim, told The Sun how the hostel offered free shots of whiskey or vodka for two hours every night.

Hostel manager Duong Duc Toan and bartender Toan Van Vanng denied diluting their alcohol with methanol when questioned.

Toan said he purchased the alcohol from a certified distributor and that free shots of Tiger Vodka had been served to about 100 guests.

He said he had not yet received complaints from other backpackers who received injections that night.

He also drank from one of the vodka bottles used that night to prove it was safe.

But White said her daughter and her “kind and fun” friends had “six drinks” each, diluted with Sprite, before getting sick and having “trouble breathing.”

She told The Sun how Simone and two friends went to hospital the next day, but were “dismissed” by doctors, who told them they had food poisoning.

By the time an ambulance arrived to take them to a private facility, Simone was already “delirious,” her mother said, adding, “I think it had basically affected her brain.”

Simone White, 28, died in hospital after drinking alcohol suspected to contain methanol at the Vang Vieng backpacker hotspot.

Simone White, 28, died in hospital after drinking alcohol suspected to contain methanol at the Vang Vieng backpacker hotspot.

The victims of the alleged poisoning were staying at Nana's Backpackers Hostel in Vang Vieng.

The victims of the alleged poisoning were staying at Nana’s Backpackers Hostel in Vang Vieng.

1736859294 310 British grandmother passes out and wanders around Thai hotel naked

Australians Bianca Jones and Holly Bowles, both 19, also died tragically after consuming alcohol while staying at a hostel in Laos.

The victims, who were in Laos celebrating their graduation, were taken to hospital after being found unconscious, having failed to leave the Nana Backpacker hotel.

Jones and Bowles did not leave their dormitory at the hostel 24 hours after going to Jaidee Bar and reported feeling unwell on November 13, before being rushed to hospitals in Bangkok.

Closed-circuit cameras from inside the shelter show one of the women being transported to a local clinic on the back of a motorcycle driven by a hotel worker.

James Louis Hutson, 57, an American, and Danish citizens Anne-Sofie Orkild Coyman, 20, and Freja Vennervald Sorensen, 21, were also named victims of a series of tragic deaths believed to be linked to poisoning. by methanol.

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