Home Australia Brent BJ Reker: Disturbing details emerge about bloody prison protest biker boss Finks was planning in the days before he committed suicide in his cell – after arrest for ‘nude photo’ smear

Brent BJ Reker: Disturbing details emerge about bloody prison protest biker boss Finks was planning in the days before he committed suicide in his cell – after arrest for ‘nude photo’ smear

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Brent Reker was found dead at Ravenhall Correctional Center in 2019

Brent Reker was found dead at Ravenhall Correctional Center in 2019

Brent Reker was found dead at Ravenhall Correctional Center in 2019

Prison officers feared a notorious bikie boss might stage a mass self-harm incident with fellow inmates days before he was found dead in his cell.

Those fears led Finks’ boss, Brent “BJ” Reker, to be transferred from a specialized mental health unit to another section of the prison just an hour before his death.

The 35-year-old national president was found hanging at Ravenhall Correctional Center in December 2019 after barricading himself in his cell.

A Victorian coroner is investigating why Reker, who was on remand for serious and violent drug and weapons offences, was moved and whether it contributed to his suicide.

Daily Mail Australia revealed last year that a prison guard whistleblower believedPrison staff had “blood on their hands” over his death.

The guard, who wished to remain anonymous, had worked closely with Reker before he hanged himself after being transferred to a unit for problematic inmates.

“He posed a huge, huge suicide risk. “He attempted suicide several times while he was at Melbourne Assessment Prison, and it’s a maximum security prison run specifically for people with mental health issues,” she said. declared.

Reker had become suicidal after the director of public prosecutions won an appeal to the Supreme Court that resulted in his bail being revoked in February 2019.

The biker was initially released on bail over an alleged smear, described as a revenge attack following the publication online of nude photos of his friend Tara Egglestone.

Brent Reker as he watched before getting his face tattooed. Reker had previously spent time in a Perth prison after being convicted of an offense

Brent Reker as he watched before getting his face tattooed. Reker had previously spent time in a Perth prison after being convicted of an offense

Brent Reker as he watched before getting his face tattooed. Reker had previously spent time in a Perth prison after being convicted of an offense

Reker allegedly arranged for the Finks bikers to target Nick Gold's house. Another co-accused, Tara Egglestone (pictured), claimed she posted nude photos of herself online.

Reker allegedly arranged for the Finks bikers to target Nick Gold's house. Another co-accused, Tara Egglestone (pictured), claimed she posted nude photos of herself online.

Reker allegedly arranged for the Finks bikers to target Nick Gold’s house. Another co-accused, Tara Egglestone (pictured), claimed she posted nude photos of herself online.

On Monday, counsel assisting the coroner, Senior Constable Fiona Nation, said Reker was transferred from Port Phillip Prison to a specialist mental health unit at Ravenhall in November 2019, after previous suicide attempts.

The Moroka Unit provides inmates with complex mental health issues with specialized care, treatment and programming.

However, about three weeks later, prison staff became concerned about Reker’s influence on other prisoners in that unit and removed him from the program.

The unit’s supervisor at the time, Malcolm Garth, told the inquest that although he knew Reker had told prison staff that he and other inmates had planned to self-harm together, he didn’t think it was a real threat.

“Between you and me, the guys are all going to fight on Sunday,” Reker told a prison doctor.

Mr. Garth said Reker and others were upset that prisoners were missing doctor and dentist visits and that Reker also made similar threats while trying to find employment while incarcerated.

“One of the problems with the cohort of prisoners we have in the Moroka program was that they have complex and difficult behaviors,” Mr Garth told the inquest.

“A lot of it is about trying to manipulate people by making false threats to get them to do what they want…I think those particular comments were probably some form of trying to manipulate us into getting a result.”

Reker (middle) is pictured with other members of the Finks in 2018 in Victoria

Reker (middle) is pictured with other members of the Finks in 2018 in Victoria

Reker (middle) pictured with other members of the Finks motorcycle gang

Reker, 35, was in pre-trial detention and facing charges for alleged denigration, described as a revenge attack following the publication online of nude photos of a woman.

Reker, 35, was in pre-trial detention and facing charges for alleged denigration, described as a revenge attack following the publication online of nude photos of a woman.

Reker, 35, was in pre-trial detention and facing charges for alleged denigration, described as a revenge attack following the publication online of nude photos of a woman.

After a series of meetings, the decision was made to remove Reker from the unit.

A psychiatrist was supposed to speak to Reker before his transfer, but that never happened because the clinician could not be contacted.

Around 2:30 p.m. on Dec. 12, officers began transferring Reker out of the unit.

In body-worn camera footage shown at the inquest, Reker appeared argumentative when informed of the decision.

A psychiatrist was sent to Reker’s new cell around 3:30 p.m., but he did not respond and the cell door was blocked by a mattress.

Prison staff initiated a “code black” medical emergency and Reker was found unresponsive on the shower floor of his cell at 3:38 p.m.

The investigation found that despite his repeated threats of self-harm and relatively recent suicide attempts, Reker was in the lowest risk category, which meant his mental health history was not necessarily shared with staff penitentiary.

Coroner Paul Lawrie is investigating the events leading up to Reker’s departure from the specialist unit, his mental health history and staff’s risk assessment.

For confidential crisis support, call Lifeline 13 11 14 and Beyondblue 1300 22 4636.

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