Home Health Breastfed babies ‘are less likely to be given treats before their 1st birthday’

Breastfed babies ‘are less likely to be given treats before their 1st birthday’

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Researchers at the University of Glasgow found that 15 percent of babies who were breastfed for six months or more received unhealthy treats compared to 45 percent of formula-fed babies.
  • Women who breastfed for six months gave their children healthier foods
  • Experts say this is worrying since healthy eating habits are established at a young age.

Breastfed babies are less likely to receive sugary drinks or unhealthy snacks before their first birthday, according to a study.

Researchers at the University of Glasgow analyzed data from 2,730 parents and found a number of positive links between breastfeeding for at least six months and babies’ early diets.

Overall, they found that babies who were still receiving any amount of breast milk at the age of six months and older were more likely to have a diet that met official feeding advice.

From six months, it is recommended that babies be introduced to suitable familiar foods, starting with simple purees and gradually progressing to more textured foods and finger-sized foods.

Researchers at the University of Glasgow found that 15 percent of babies who were breastfed for six months or more received unhealthy treats compared to 45 percent of formula-fed babies.

Current advice also suggests offering babies green and bitter vegetables early and avoiding adding salt and sugar to foods.

Sugary drinks and ‘treats’ such as chocolate and chips should also be avoided.

In this study, 15 percent of babies who were breastfed for six months or more received unhealthy treats compared to 45 percent of formula-fed babies.

Nearly half of breastfed babies were given sugary drinks compared to formula-fed babies, and they were more likely to start eating solid foods at the recommended age of six months or older.

Researchers at the University of Glasgow said all the links remained even after taking into account socio-economic factors.

Lead author Dr Ada García said: “In this study we were able to observe that dietary inequalities begin between 6 and 12 months of age.

“This is worrying, because eating habits are developed and established at an early age and can be more difficult to change later.

“Our research suggests that continuing to promote breastfeeding, whenever possible, can help protect babies’ health, as well as help establish healthy dietary behaviors from an early age.”

The researchers also found that, of all babies surveyed, 20 percent were fed only infant formula, while 48 percent continued breastfeeding beyond six months.

Despite starting the weaning process later, babies who were still breastfed after six months ate the same number of food groups and meals as formula-fed babies, and were just as likely to self-feed both purees and purees. snacks.

Previous research by Dr. Garcia has found that a large number of commercial baby food products are high in sugar and, as a result, may promote a sweet tooth in babies and encourage them to snack on processed foods. .

The findings were published in the journal Maternal and Child Nutrition.

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