Home Sports Brazilian footballer Gabigol ‘is hit with a TWO-YEAR suspension for alleged anti-doping testing fraud’ – with the Flamengo striker ‘set to be banned from playing until 2025’

Brazilian footballer Gabigol ‘is hit with a TWO-YEAR suspension for alleged anti-doping testing fraud’ – with the Flamengo striker ‘set to be banned from playing until 2025’

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The Brazilian soccer player Gabigol would have been sanctioned for anti-doping fraud.
  • Flamengo forward Gabigol was tried by the Brazilian Sports Anti-Doping Court
  • The sanction began on April 8, 2023, the date of the test, and will end in 2025
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Flamengo striker Gabigol has been banned for two years for an alleged drug test breach and may not return until 2025, according to reports.

The forward, whose real name is Gabriel Barbosa, was reportedly tried on Monday by the Brazilian Sports Anti-Doping Court and suspended at the conclusion of the case.

Ge.balloon He states that his punishment came into effect on April 8, 2023, the date his sample was taken at Flamengo’s training camp, and will last until April 2025.

Gabigol, 27, is now likely to appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

He was allegedly accused of violating Article 122 of the Brazilian Anti-Doping Code, which refers to “fraud or attempted fraud in any part of the testing process.”

The Brazilian soccer player Gabigol would have been sanctioned for anti-doping fraud.

The Brazilian soccer player Gabigol would have been sanctioned for anti-doping fraud.

Gabigol, Flamengo player, will now appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport

Gabigol, Flamengo player, will now appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport

Gabigol, Flamengo player, will now appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport

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Gabigol is alleged to have obstructed officials before the exam, and the complaint reports that he delayed the delivery of the sample and failed to comply with instructions. According to the examiners, the player also disrespected them.

Gabigol is said to have failed to comply with the team’s test before training and then ignored them after lunch. He later reportedly took the collection container without informing anyone before being escorted to the bathroom by an officer.

Reports say he returned the container containing the urine sample open.

According to reports, even if Gabigol had tested negative, his behavior could have constituted “fraud or attempted fraud,” as stated in anti-doping regulations.

With the exception of Gabigol, who was sanctioned in court after a majority of five to four, the Flamengo squad underwent its tests before training on April 8.

A statement from Flamengo, provided to ge.globo, said: “Flamengo received the aforementioned decision with surprise and will help the athlete to file an appeal before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), as it understands that there was no type of fraud.” , not even an attempt, to justify the punishment applied.’

The striker was accused of ignoring examiners and failing to perform a urine test beforehand.

The striker was accused of ignoring examiners and failing to perform a urine test beforehand.

The striker was accused of ignoring examiners and failing to perform a urine test beforehand.

It is said that his punishment came into effect last April and, therefore, would last until 2025.

It is said that his punishment came into effect last April and, therefore, would last until 2025.

It is said that his punishment came into effect last April and, therefore, would last until 2025.

The rigorous anti-doping code that the player allegedly violated provides for a suspension of up to four years in the event of conviction.

The testimony of biochemist LC Cameron supposedly served in Gabigol’s defense and established that, in his opinion, there was no irregularity in the collection results. He was questioned by Gabigol’s lawyers, the prosecutor and the auditors.

The complaint was filed in late December and the defense presented its case in January, including images taken by security cameras at Flamengo’s training camp.

Gabigol gave evidence via video link during the first session of the trial on March 20, before the court opted to continue deliberations on Monday. A key point of the defense highlighted the fact that a blood test was done, which is considered more effective.

He was represented by the team of Bichara Neto, a lawyer who defended Paolo Guerrero in a doping case before the FIFA courts in 2017. Flamengo’s general and legal vice president, Rodrigo Dunshee, was also present in defense of the forward.

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