Home Australia Boss of one of Australia’s biggest food delivery charities is forced to apologise over series of bizarre posts

Boss of one of Australia’s biggest food delivery charities is forced to apologise over series of bizarre posts

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The head of one of Australia’s largest food delivery charities has been forced to apologize for a series of social media posts about Israel, Ukraine and the CIA.

Meals on Wheels NSW chief executive Ian MacDonald made the posts over several weeks on his personal Facebook account.

In one, he said the “collective West” was struggling to “meet the enormously confusing and ever-changing demands of the United States and its main controller, Israel.”

“Israel has spent the last 50 years infiltrating and developing control over American foreign policy through a litany of criminals and crooks,” he wrote.

‘Planted in the power structures of the United States by (the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad) and paid for by American taxpayers.’

MacDonald “recognizes that his statements may offend some Meals on Wheels NSW customers and for that he apologizes unreservedly.”

In another post, MacDonald said the British and Australian Labor Parties are “obedient” and “cowardly” when it comes to Israel and the United States.

“Both are supporting the worst genocide since the Holocaust with their lapdog actions regarding the enormous criminality practiced by both nations in Gaza and the West Bank,” he said.

In another post, he shared a YouTube video titled: “How the CIA Destabilizes the World.”

‘The most dangerous organization on the planet, inexplicable, illegal and vicious!!!’ the title said.

MacDonald also shared posts from Russian media outlets accusing France of censoring Telegram channels to prevent people from knowing “that Ukraine is deliberately killing civilians with weapons provided to it by Western countries.”

MacDonald, who has been in the top job for 22 years, told Daily Mail Australia his remarks stem from his Jewish family heritage and the pain and suffering felt by many people around the world as a result of the conflict in Israel and Palestine. .

Ian MacDonald, chief executive of Meals on Wheels NSW, made the posts over several weeks on his personal Facebook account.

Ian MacDonald, chief executive of Meals on Wheels NSW, made the posts over several weeks on his personal Facebook account.

He acknowledged that his comments may offend some Meals on Wheels NSW customers and volunteers, and for that he apologized.

He then explained that these are “personal opinions” that he holds as a “private citizen,” and stated that he was “not withdrawing his views.”

“My views are widely shared by people in the Jewish community,” Mr. MacDonald said.

“It was truly an apology to any of our clients or volunteers who were offended by the comments I made on my page.”

MacDonald stressed his statements do not reflect the views of Meals on Wheels NSW.

“There’s nothing on Facebook that identifies me as a professional in particular,” he said.

“I’ve been very careful to separate my professional life from my personal life.”

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