Home Australia Bondi Rescue star Andrew Reid hailed hero after refusing evacuation orders to go help stabbing victims at Westfield shopping centre: ‘I’ve never seen so much blood’

Bondi Rescue star Andrew Reid hailed hero after refusing evacuation orders to go help stabbing victims at Westfield shopping centre: ‘I’ve never seen so much blood’

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Bondi Rescue star Andrew Reid is hailed as a hero for helping stabbing victims at Bondi Junction shopping centre.

Bondi Rescue star Andrew Reid was shopping for a new bed when a frantic retail worker told him that “people are being stabbed” and “the building is being evacuated”.

The reality of the situation emerged when gunshots were heard throughout the Bondi Junction Westfield complex at around 3.30pm on Saturday, causing panic and fear.

Myers’ shutters were lowered to protect those inside, but when Reid looked up at the mall’s fourth floor, he saw a woman lying on the ground desperately needing help.

Without hesitation, the brave father of three asked to be let out so he could go and provide first aid.

Bondi Rescue star Andrew Reid is hailed as a hero for helping stabbing victims at Bondi Junction shopping centre.

“There was a lady…and there was blood everywhere,” Reid told 9News.

“I realized I had to go help because that’s what we’re trained to do as lifeguards.”

He and two other members of the public gave first aid to the woman, along with police officers.

“I’ve never seen so much blood… We were just looking for wounds to try to stop the bleeding,” Reid said.

‘When I looked up, there were several victims about 50 meters away. The lady next to us was very bad; there were other people working on it.’

The man carrying the knife, dressed in a kangaroo rugby league shirt, had attacked nine people, including a baby, in what appears to be a spree of random stabbings.

Six victims have died and there are fears for others who remain in hospital.

Their rampage finally came to an end when a brave female police inspector confronted the man and shot him dead.

Without hesitation, the brave father of three asked to be let out so he could go and provide first aid.

Without hesitation, the brave father of three asked to be let out so he could go and provide first aid.

Tactical police appear in the photo with long weapons.

Tactical police appear in the photo with long weapons.

Among the first attacked were supposedly a woman and her baby (not shown in the photo)

Among the first attacked were supposedly a woman and her baby (not shown in the photo)

1713008683 556 Bondi Rescue star Andrew Reid hailed hero after refusing evacuation

In the image, paramedics carry a victim to an ambulance.

The ordeal finally came to an end when heroic police swung into action and shot the killer dead (scene pictured).

The ordeal finally came to an end when heroic police swung into action and shot the killer dead (scene pictured).

Once Reid helped stabilize the woman, he continued moving around the mall to help others.

At this time, tactical police were storming the building floor by floor to secure the scene.

‘I saw that the police needed help with the other lady, so I started giving her compressions. I don’t think she made it,” Reid said.

“Then I went to help the next victim and saw an empty stroller. I have three young children and I thought, ‘Oh my God!’

While Reid is no stranger to life-or-death situations, he admitted he’s never experienced anything so traumatic.

“I’ve seen some pretty gnarly things after working for 20 years on the beach, but nothing like this.”

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