Home Life Style BLIND DATE: It’s very serious, I can’t imagine him at a Metallica concert

BLIND DATE: It’s very serious, I can’t imagine him at a Metallica concert

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Dawn has been single for three and a half years, but before that she was married for 20 years.

Every week, FEMAIL asks two singles to report on their blind date.

This week, it was Dawn and Everard’s turn to dine and wine.

Read on to find out what happened…

Dawn, 59 years old

Vital statistics

Divorced, with two children and two grandchildren.

Current role

Caregiver for the elderly.

Dawn has been single for three and a half years, but before that she was married for 20 years.

I would like to know

Someone friendly and fun, who likes music festivals and seeing live bands.

Relationship history?

I’ve been single for three and a half years, but before that I was married for 20 years. I haven’t dated since my marriage ended, so this is a big step out of my comfort zone.

I am generally happy and enjoy life, but I would like to have someone to share time with.

Pre-date jitters?

I was incredibly nervous. I hadn’t dated anyone in a long time.

First impressions?

Everard seemed like a nice guy, but I wasn’t particularly drawn to him. He was friendly, though: he gave me a big smile and immediately got chatting. I gave him a hug as we sat down.

He was also smartly dressed and well mannered, which was a relief.

Easy to talk?

I’m a conversationalist and can get almost anyone talking, but after a while we had a hard time understanding each other because we had nothing in common. Our conversation had no energy or spark.

We talked about our families and our jobs, but it was all a bit boring, with no jokes or carefree fun.

I had expected someone who was also just starting to date and with whom I could share my nerves. Instead, it didn’t feel like a date at all, just two people chatting.

Embarrassing moments?

Not really! That might have livened things up a bit!

Dawn said there was no point in meeting Everard again because

Dawn said there was no point in meeting Everard again because “there was no romance at all”.

Did sparks fly?

Not at all, and I would have been flirtatious if I felt a connection. I’ve been single for too long, so I was ready to bring out my flirting skills again.

In fact, I didn’t realize how much I was craving to feel feminine and fabulous again until I was getting ready for that appointment. Unfortunately, by the time I got there, the energy was off.

Would you like to see it again?

It doesn’t make sense. Everard is nice, but there was no romance. I thought maybe our small age difference was the problem, but I actually think it’s just that we’re very different people. I’m a bit crazy and he was very serious. I can’t imagine him jumping for joy to Metallica in the rain with me.

What do you think he thought of you?

I don’t know, because he hasn’t revealed anything to me. Anyway, having been on a date and knowing that I can do it has given me confidence. Now I feel ready to go out.

Would your family and friends like it?

It’s clear that Everard is not for me. My family and friends are very lively and fun people.

Dawn’s verdict: 5/10

APPRECIATED? Everard is a lovely man.

REGRETS? None at all.


Everardo, 53 years old

Vital statistics

Separated with a teenage son.

Current role

Public transport driver.

Everard was married for almost 20 years, but they split a couple of years ago.

Everard was married for almost 20 years, but they split a couple of years ago.

I would like to know

I’m looking for someone friendly, simple and down to earth, without airs or pretensions.

Relationship history?

I was married for almost 20 years, but we separated a couple of years ago.

I’ve been single for a year now and I’ve been dating people on and off, but I find it difficult because it takes so much time. You have to spend a lot of time getting to know someone online before you meet them in person.

Pre-date jitters?

I was intimidated by not knowing what to expect, but I put on my chinos and blue shirt and looked forward to it despite that element of the unknown.

First impressions?

Dawn was friendly and chatty, but I didn’t feel any spark right away. I’m not sure I have a type of person, but I know when there’s an inner feeling of attraction. Anyway, I could tell she was a down-to-earth person with a lovely smile and a pretty, sparkly dress.

Easy to talk?

She made the conversation instantly enjoyable. We talked about our families and she spoke enthusiastically about her two grandchildren. She is clearly a loving grandmother and gave me the space to talk about my own son.

Dawn is an open person who has been through a lot in life and I appreciate her honesty. We don’t really share the same hobbies as I like fishing, hiking and cooking while she is really into music.

He said Dawn was friendly and chatty, but he didn't feel a spark right away.

He said Dawn was friendly and chatty, but he didn’t feel a spark right away.

Embarrassing moments?

You are welcome.

Did sparks fly?

There was no flirtation or spark from either of them that I could tell; I didn’t get the impression that he liked me romantically, but I enjoyed his company. He has great energy.

At the station, I gave him a hug as we said goodbye and wished each other the best for the future. Still, I wasn’t disappointed: it was a nice date and that’s always a win.

Would you like to meet her again?

Not romantically, as we didn’t have that kind of connection. But Dawn is very good company.

What do you think he thought of you?

I didn’t ask, but she seemed happy to be there and we chatted for a couple of hours.

Would your family and friends like it?

They would like me as a person, but not as a partner for me. But then again, they would like anyone that I like.

Everard’s verdict: 7/10

APPRECIATED? She was very sensible.

REGRETS? None at all.

COFFEE OR TAXI? A friendly coffee.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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