Home Life Style BLIND DATE: Emma wanted a tall, muscular, tattooed dog lover. But Fawzi’s ‘baby face’ put him in the friend zone from the moment he walked in…

BLIND DATE: Emma wanted a tall, muscular, tattooed dog lover. But Fawzi’s ‘baby face’ put him in the friend zone from the moment he walked in…

Emma said she normally chooses muscular men, but her date had a real baby face.

Every week, FEMAIL asks two singles to report on their blind date.

This week, it was Emma and Fawzi’s turn to wine and dine.

Read on to find out why sparks didn’t fly…

Emma, ​​50 years old

Vital statistics

Divorced, no children.

Current role

Ministry of Defense security guard.

Would you like to meet

A tall, muscular, tattooed dog lover with a great sense of humor.

Emma said she normally chooses muscular men, but her date had a real baby face.

Past dates?

I was married for 14 years, but got divorced three years ago after my husband said he pretty much didn’t love me anymore. I felt heartbroken because she came completely out of nowhere. Since then I’ve been on a few dates, but only casually, nothing serious.

Pre-date nerves?

I wasn’t nervous at all, just excited to try something new.

First impressions?

When he walked in, I thought he had a lovely, kind face and a big smile, but I knew right away there was no spark. I like men who are quite manly (larger built and more robust) and, although Fawzi is 47 years old, he has a rather boyish face. Still, we greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek and I felt like we were going to have a nice time.

Easy to talk to?

There was a lot of give and take as we chatted about our families, our jobs, the fact that we had both been to San Diego (where he had done some kind of breathing workshop). We even talked about our exes and joked that it wasn’t what you’re supposed to do on a first date!

The strange thing was that we barely had anything in common (he has kids and I don’t, and I’m a vegetarian), but we got along well. Fawzi doesn’t drink because of his religion, so I checked that it was okay for me to order wine and he seemed relaxed about it. I came away feeling that he had met a lovely man but he wasn’t boyfriend material.

Embarrassing moments?

Not at all, the date went easily.

Did sparks fly?

I’m afraid not. He had practically put him in the ‘friend zone’ from the moment he walked in and I’m sure he felt the same way about me. I prefer beefier guys with tattoos, so there was no flirting.

See it again?

We exchanged numbers at the end of the date and kissed each other on the cheek. Fawzi said he should order coffee, but I think he was just being polite.

What do you think he thought of you?

I hope you thought the same as me: good person, but no physical attraction.

Would your family like it?

They’d think he’s not my type at all, mainly because he doesn’t drink. They know I like to have a drink or two!

Emma’s Verdict: 9/10

Appreciated? There were no awkward silences.

Regrets? None at all.

Coffee or taxi? Coffee.

Fawzi, 47 years old

Vital statistics

Divorced and with two children, nine and 11 years old.

Current role

Responsible for transportation projects.

Would you like to meet

Someone independent, interested in health and well-being.

Fawzi said his date called him friend, which put him firmly in the friend zone.

Fawzi said his date called him friend, which put him firmly in the friend zone.

Past dates?

I was married for five years, but we divorced five years ago. While I have since gone out and met some lovely ladies, there has been no one serious.

Pre-date nerves?

I wasn’t nervous because I go into things with no expectations and just hope for the best. There is no pressure from either side.

First impressions?

Although Emma was attractive, there was no immediate physical attraction. I felt like it was a mutual reaction. She’s not the type of woman I would normally choose.

She said, ‘Hello friend!’ which immediately put me in the ‘friend zone’, but that was fine with me. He seemed like a warm and happy person, and I felt like we both had an optimistic attitude just to enjoy the experience.

Easy to talk to?

Yes, the conversation flowed very easily and there were no quiet moments. We ended up laughing a lot too. We had some things in common, like the fact that we are divorced. We tried to avoid talking about our exes, but they struck up conversations here and there.

We have both traveled a bit and enjoy going to the movies, TV sitcoms, podcasts, and seeing the brighter side of life. Plus, Emma likes to run while I do high-intensity workouts at the gym. We seem to share positive attitudes and not let the past get us down.

Embarrassing moments?

I can’t think of a single one.

Did sparks fly?

No, unfortunately not. But I think it was a mutual lack of chemistry that we were both okay with. Instead, we settled down to have a good meal and talk.

See her again?

We exchanged numbers, but I don’t think we want to see each other again, unless maybe to have coffee as friends.

What do you think she thought of you?

I hope you will say that I am polite, friendly, talkative and courteous, and that I tried to be a gentleman.

Would your family like it?

I think they would find Emma friendly, happy and warm. She is a lovely woman.

Fawzi Verdict: 8/10

Appreciated? That Emma was so genuine.

Regrets? Absolutely not.

Coffee or taxi? Coffee.

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