Home Australia Blake Peterson nearly died in Sydney after motorcycle accident – ​​read his incredible recovery story

Blake Peterson nearly died in Sydney after motorcycle accident – ​​read his incredible recovery story

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Blake Peterson, 20, suffered life-threatening injuries after crashing into the back of a taxi when it pulled away unexpectedly on the night of April 6.

A young man who lost a leg in a terrible motorcycle accident has shared an important message with road users after his life was turned upside down in just a few seconds.

Blake Peterson, 20, suffered life-threatening injuries after crashing into the back of a taxi that drove away unexpectedly on the night of Saturday, April 6.

After three resuscitations and six grueling hours of surgery, doctors decided to amputate Blake’s right leg in a decision that saved his life.

The 20-year-old was placed in an induced coma and told by his devastated family there was a chance he would wake up brain dead or not wake up at all.

Blake only realized the extent of her injuries when she woke up two weeks later.

He suffered an extensive brain injury and lost all feeling in his right arm after nerves were detached from his spinal cord in the accident.

Blake Peterson, 20, suffered life-threatening injuries after crashing into the back of a taxi when it pulled away unexpectedly on the night of April 6.

This is the last photo Blake has of both legs after the accident on Saturday, April 6.

This is the last photo Blake has of both legs after the accident on Saturday, April 6.

The ‘recovery warrior’ has shared moments of his long physical and psychological journey to regain health on his social media accounts.

Speaking from his hospital bed, Blake urged motorcyclists not to speed or weave through traffic and to remain aware of their surroundings at all times.

“You never know what’s going to happen while riding a motorcycle,” he said.

“Either don’t ride your bike or just pay attention to your surroundings if you don’t want these injuries to occur.”

Blake has started rehabilitation sessions to get his leg muscles as active as possible to help him adjust to balancing on one leg.

He has learned to get up, sit down and use his wheelchair on his own.

“I’m being as positive and dedicated as I can, so I’m hoping things go a lot quicker than expected,” Blake said.

“I’ll have one more surgery on the stump and then I’ll get a prosthetic leg, so I’m looking forward to that.”

“I can’t wait to stand on two feet.”

The former gym addict admitted he had bad days.

“Mental health is important, it’s a big part that most people struggle with and don’t know how to address the issue,” she said.

“If you are having a bad day or something is bothering you, find someone to talk to, don’t be afraid to talk, it won’t hurt you or lower your self-esteem.”

Blake (pictured) suffered a staggering 26 brain bleeds and lost all feeling in his right arm after nerves were detached from his spinal cord in the accident.

Blake (pictured) suffered a staggering 26 brain bleeds and lost all feeling in his right arm after nerves were detached from his spinal cord in the accident.

Blake's loved ones were warned that he could wake up brain dead after being placed in a coma.

Blake’s loved ones were warned that he could wake up brain dead after being placed in a coma.

Speaking from his hospital bed, Blake urged motorcyclists not to speed or dodge traffic and to remain aware of their surroundings at all times.

Speaking from his hospital bed, Blake urged motorcyclists not to speed or dodge traffic and to remain aware of their surroundings at all times.

Blake said his accident had made him think about the “big picture.”

“I’m going to show you guys that you can be positive through anything during the most difficult time of your life, there’s always something positive and there’s always a rainbow at the end of the story,” he said in a video Wednesday.

‘I want to try to help people in my situation or a similar situation and try to help them be as positive as possible about it.

‘There is always a light at the end of the rainbow.

TO GoFundMe Page has raised more than $65,000 for Blake’s recovery.

A GoFundMe page has raised more than $65,000 for Blake's recovery

A GoFundMe page has raised more than $65,000 for Blake’s recovery

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