Home Australia Bill Shorten reveals major change to NDIS

Bill Shorten reveals major change to NDIS

Bill Shorten's attempts to cut costs of the scheme led to government-paid sex work being scrapped just months after he criticised cruise ship advertising support payments.

NDIS Minister Bill Shorten says regulations allowing participants to access government-funded sex workers will be scrapped, saying it “doesn’t meet the test” for a service being reasonable or necessary.

Appearing on Sky Sunday Agenda, Mr Shorten said that while most NDIS participants were “doing the right thing”, he acknowledged that “the rules have been a little bit lax at the margins”.

This, in turn, has led to service providers breaking the system, allowing people to claim services such as international group tours to Japan, steam baths, and cryptocurrencies.

“The system works like this: each person receives a personal budget. We want to make sure that the personal budget is drawn up with a good needs assessment,” he said.

‘So what we want to do is make sure that you have the ability to get things that are reasonable and necessary.

‘A part of me complains every time I have to review some of the nonsense some people have claimed, but that’s not what most people do.’

Asked specifically whether participants would still be able to claim the use of sex workers under the proposed new reforms, Mr Shorten ruled this out.

“It’s not a sustainable proposal, it doesn’t pass the test,” he said.

Bill Shorten’s attempts to cut costs of the scheme led to government-paid sex work being scrapped just months after he criticised cruise ship advertising support payments.

However, he added that the government was only aware of “one or two” examples of this happening.

“This is not what is happening in most of the plan,” Shorten said.

‘While people with disabilities can currently access government-funded sexual support services, strict eligibility requirements apply.’

Disability advocates previously told a Senate inquiry that the NDIS should include a sexuality framework where women with disabilities choose not to date for fear of being exposed to high rates of sexual violence.

“Even though I was able to date on Tinder, it was toxic, violent and volatile, and if I hadn’t met my partner, I would be seeking access (to sexual support) because it wasn’t safe to continue dating men in the community,” said Nicole Lee, president of People With Disabilities.

Mr Shorten remained on the warpath after the Coalition and Greens delayed passing major reforms for another eight weeks while the legislation was subject to an inquiry.

Labor has said its reforms to the NDIS will save $14.4 billion over five years and will focus on tightening rules on services and expanding safeguards and assessment criteria for people accessing the scheme.

The disgruntled minister said the delay would cost taxpayers $1 million an hour until parliament resumes its session after its mid-winter recess.

National Senator Bridget McKenzie said the opposition would not be “bullied” into rushing through a decision and said the inquiry was needed to hear more evidence.

Asked specifically whether participants would still be able to claim the use of sex workers under the proposed new reforms, Mr Shorten ruled this out.

Asked specifically whether participants would still be able to claim the use of sex workers under the proposed new reforms, Mr Shorten ruled this out.

“It’s really fascinating that the Labour Party expects the opposition and parliament to back its so-called reforms without any scrutiny. We have had the good sense to send this to a Senate committee to clarify the issues,” he told Sky.

“Once that is completed and we have heard not only from the industry but also from customers… then perhaps we can develop our own amendments to that legislation. That is how parliament should work.”

Mr Shorten continued his campaign to get the legislation through parliament last week, launching a mobile billboard with the sign: “Save the NDIS, put participants first, senators.”

Labor and One Nation also became unlikely allies, with One Nation leader Pauline Hanson backing the legislation and urging senators to “put their politics aside”.

“I appeal to the Coalition and the Greens, if you really care about people… put forward your grievances, put forward your amendments, and then if they are reasonable, I’m sure we can support them because that’s what we want,” she said.

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