Home US Bill Maher makes a sinister election prediction about Biden’s latest political move: “It’s a strange plan”

Bill Maher makes a sinister election prediction about Biden’s latest political move: “It’s a strange plan”

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On his show Real Time, Maher criticized Biden's new immigration policy and said that

Bill Maher criticized President Joe Biden’s latest policy move, saying, “I don’t think they could have handled it any worse.”

Speaking on his show Real Time on Friday, Maher criticized Biden’s new immigration policy and said it “won’t be successful” with voters.

On Tuesday, Biden announced an executive action that limits the number of migrants who can arrive at the border and request asylum to 2,500 per day.

Maher said: ‘If Biden loses this election, it will be because of two things: he is old… and immigration.

“I mean, just on a political level, I don’t think they could have handled it any worse.”

On his show Real Time, Maher criticized Biden’s new immigration policy and said it “won’t be successful” with voters.

Biden’s executive order has been criticized by both Republicans and Democrats.

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) called the order a “betrayal” of American ideals, and Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) criticized the fact that the action did not makes it easier for immigrants to obtain documented status.

Biden is using the same authority that former President Trump used when he banned those who could cross into the United States across the southern border.

Discussing Biden’s decision, Maher said, “Finally, after saying he couldn’t do anything, he’s going to issue an executive order – by the way, this is the same executive order that Trump tried to get through the courts and they wouldn’t allow it.” he does it.

“But he will finally try six months before the election, which says we will put a limit of 2,500 now, when asylum seekers arrive.

‘If it goes over 2,500, if it is 2,501, we automatically close the border.

‘The fire chief says ‘No more!’ He’ll come here and close the club! And if you don’t have a seal on your hand, you won’t be able to get back in!’

Biden is using the same authority that former President Trump used when he banned those who could cross into the United States across the southern border.

Biden is using the same authority that former President Trump used when he banned those who could cross into the United States across the southern border.

Maher cited a figure that ‘more than nine million immigrants have entered’ the US since Biden took office in January 2021.

He said: ‘That’s more than the number of people living in Nicaragua. He let all of Nicaragua in.

‘The question Democrats don’t seem to have the courage to answer is how many is too many? And infinity is the answer; If you don’t give that answer, you are racist. That is your essential problem with this issue.”

Discussing the executive order, Maher said: ‘But when it drops to 1,500, then we will resume standard asylum procedures. It’s like increasing prices with Uber.

‘It’s a strange plan that, of course, no one liked. It seems like a last minute, it seems like he did nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. Then, of course, he tried it in Congress and Republicans deliberately attacked that ball.

‘They didn’t want this bill because they wanted it as a problem. Then they could have fixed it themselves. They didn’t do it. But now it seems that this is his last minute before the electoral Hail Mary passes, and he is not going to be successful.

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