Home US Bill Maher makes a scathing comparison to Biden during his car crash debate with Trump, as the comedian brands Joe with a hilarious new Secret Service name.

Bill Maher makes a scathing comparison to Biden during his car crash debate with Trump, as the comedian brands Joe with a hilarious new Secret Service name.

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Bill Maher criticized Joe Biden's performance in the presidential debate against Donald Trump and tagged him with a new Secret Service code name

Bill Maher criticized Joe Biden’s performance in his debate with Trump, joking that he had “seen beauty pageant contestants answer questions better” than the president.

The comedian delved into the president’s disastrous debate in his opening monologue on his Max show, Real Time, on Friday.

A bombshell new poll found that even fewer voters believe Biden is mentally prepared to be president for another four years after he struggled to get through debate night.

Maher has regularly criticized Biden’s re-election chances, often stating that his age is the biggest problem.

“I don’t want to say she fucks in bed, but her new name in the Secret Service is Amber Heard,” Maher said.

Bill Maher criticized Joe Biden’s performance in the presidential debate against Donald Trump and tagged him with a new Secret Service code name

He was referring to Johnny Depp’s testimony in which he claimed that his ex-wife defecated. in his bed in his the Angels attic after an argument the night before his 30th birthday in February 2016.

‘Did you watch the debate? In case you missed it, don’t worry, one of the contestants did too,’ Maher said.

‘I mean Trump told lie after lie after lie. He would never have gotten his way if Joe Biden was there.

‘You know, Joe, he’s famous for his love of trains, but apparently not for his thinking.’

In early June, Maher declared that Biden’s new immigration policy would cost him the presidency after he issued an executive action limiting the number of migrants who can arrive at the border and request asylum to 2,500 per day.

Maher said: ‘If Biden loses this election, it will be because of two things: he’s old… and immigration.

A new poll showed that even fewer voters believe Biden is mentally prepared to be president for another four years after he struggled to get through debate night.

A new poll showed even fewer voters believe Biden is mentally prepared to be president for another four years after he struggled to get through debate night.

“I mean, just on a political level, I don’t think they could have handled it any worse.”

Biden attempted to manage the fallout from his dismal debate performance at a rally in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Friday.

“I know I’m not a young man. To state the obvious,” the president said, standing next to first lady Jill Biden, who wore a Christian Siriano dress covered in the word “vote.”

“But I know what I know: I know how to tell the truth, I know right from wrong, I know how to do this job, I know how to get things done,” the president argued.

He then swore before the public that he was still the ideal candidate for the nomination.

“I give you my word as Biden. I wouldn’t run again if I didn’t believe with all my heart and soul that I could do this job.”

Biden attempted to clean up many of the arguments he attempted to make on the debate stage against his Republican opponent.

“I don’t know what you did last night, but I spent 90 minutes on a stage debating a guy who has the morals of an alley cat,” Biden said.

“Did you see Trump last night? I guess he set a new record – I mean this honestly – for the number of lies told in a single debate,” the president continued.

At the end of his speech, Biden suggested that his appearance at the rally was the beginning of his post-debate redemption arc.

“I know what millions of Americans know: When you get knocked down, you get back up.”

Trump, meanwhile, told a crowd of supporters at a rally in Virginia on Friday that Biden “didn’t know what the hell he was doing” during the debate.

‘He got the debate rules he wanted, he got the date he wanted, on the network he wanted with the (moderators) he wanted.

“No amount of slacking or manipulation could defend his atrocious record.”

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