Home US Biden’s disastrous Zoom meeting with Democrats: Joe, 81, shows up an hour late, compares himself to FDR, mentions a ‘grandpa who can’t walk’ and responds to lawmaker’s demand that he drop out of the race

Biden’s disastrous Zoom meeting with Democrats: Joe, 81, shows up an hour late, compares himself to FDR, mentions a ‘grandpa who can’t walk’ and responds to lawmaker’s demand that he drop out of the race

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President Joe Biden is trying to rally support in Congress, where 19 members of his own party have called on him to withdraw from his campaign.

President Joe Biden’s latest effort to calm panicked House Democrats on Friday backfired after he arrived late to a Zoom meeting, skeptics were unable to ask questions and one Zoom attendee quickly spoke out against him.

The calamity came as Biden met with members of a progressive BOLD PAC associated with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, as he leads in key congressional districts even as dozens of members of his own party call for him to leave.

The Zoom session came hours after Biden’s news conference, where he calmed some Democrats by answering questions at length with his future on the line but also trashed Kamala Harris by calling her “Vice President Trump.”

Biden arrived an hour late to an event that was “tightly controlled.” WE DO NOT It was reported in a detailed account of the bizarre session, following reports that Biden’s cabinet meetings are also heavily scripted. (Biden was once again called from a prepared list of reporters at his news conference.

Levin, a California Democrat who is the grandson of Mexican immigrants, used his turn to ask Biden to step back.

According to a transcript, Biden responded to the criticism, calling it legitimate.

“That was great when you were feeling good, Biden. Are you OK now? That’s what’s at the bottom of it,” he said, according to the report.

President Joe Biden is trying to rally support in Congress, where 19 members of his own party have called on him to withdraw from his campaign.

“That’s what people are worried about. ‘I have a grandfather who’s 85 and can’t walk.’ That’s a legitimate concern for people, but that’s why I think it’s important for me to get out there and show people everything from how well I move to how much I know and that I’m still in charge.”

Biden failed to convince Levin. Within minutes of the call, the lawmaker issued a statement Biden said it was time for him to “pass the torch.” It was the 19th such call Biden has faced since his disastrous debate.

Biden said he was allowing people to “touch me, poke me, ask me questions” as a way to provide reassurance.

“No president in three years has done what we have done in three years, except Franklin Roosevelt, thanks to his help. That’s not hyperbole, it’s a fact. No president,” Biden said, CBS This comes after he compared himself to Lyndon Johnson with a planned trip to Texas next week.

Biden, 81, attempted to address the age issue during his news conference, again at a restaurant and bar in Michigan, a crucial state in his increasingly narrow path to victory.

“I know I’m only 41,” he joked, drawing laughter from the crowd on the topic of age, which is at the forefront of respondents’ minds. Biden, who was elected senator in 1972 and turned 30 shortly before taking office, recalled some aspects of his past.

“For a long time I was too young… and now I’m too old. Hopefully with a little age comes a little wisdom,” he said.

Rep. Mike Levin said it was time to

Rep. Mike Levin said it was time to “pass the torch” shortly after his video call with Biden and other lawmakers

“This state is competitive and no one should count it out,” Rep. Debbie Dingell of Michigan told reporters on her way to an event in her district.

His campaign is also developing a new defense of his missteps.

“Joe Biden has been making mistakes for 40 years. He made a couple last night and he’ll probably keep making them,” said campaign spokesman Michael Tyler.

“There are mistakes, yes, that’s been the case throughout his career,” said Liz Shuler, president of the AFL-CIO.

Biden had a strange send-off during his visit to the restaurant, where he carried a wireless microphone and walked among his supporters, who applauded many of his lines.

“I promise you I’m fine,” he said.

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