Home US Biden, utterly humiliated, lectured us from the Oval Office about honesty, but the sick TRUTH is that he has lied to the world… and we all know who is really in charge now: MAUREEN CALLAHAN’s damning verdict

Biden, utterly humiliated, lectured us from the Oval Office about honesty, but the sick TRUTH is that he has lied to the world… and we all know who is really in charge now: MAUREEN CALLAHAN’s damning verdict

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For the umpteenth time, President Joe Biden has shown America that he is no longer fit to serve.

For the umpteenth time, President Joe Biden has shown America that he is no longer fit to serve.

Not that you would know it from the glowing coverage of his very brief prime-time speech Wednesday night, slurring his words and gulping loudly during the most momentous and historic speech of his political career.

“When I was elected, I promised you that I would always speak to you straight,” Biden said from the Oval Office. “I would tell you the truth.”

The truth?

This is a president who has spent the last four years lying about his physical health and cognitive ability.

A president who terrified the world with his debate performance against former President Donald Trump in June.

For the umpteenth time, President Joe Biden has shown America that he is no longer fit to serve.

A president who had to be forced to resign, and when he finally did, he published a typewritten letter with a digital signature. It didn’t even have an official letterhead or a photo or video attached.

But of course, let’s allow the current president of the United States, a proven liar who had to be ousted by Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi, to give us a sermon on honesty, democracy and the indispensable need for integrity.

A president who, as the Mail exclusively reported on Wednesday, had to rush back on a supersonic flight on Air Force One to Delaware last week because he was so ill.

A president whose press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, insisted Wednesday that Biden’s decision to withdraw “had nothing to do with his health” and that he “did not abandon the campaign or the candidacy because he did not believe he could serve a second term.”

Actually, that last part might technically be true. It’s everyone else who doesn’t believe he can do it.

Last week, Joe Biden was stabbed in the back by his own stubbornness. The wound is still open, the stitches are still fresh, and the American electorate is not buying this cowboy-in-the-sunset act.

“Does character still matter in public life?” he asked.

I don’t know, Joe, you tell us.

Please berate America for its “character” as the shameless Dr. Jill and Hunter sit off-screen in the Oval Office during this speech, surely bemoaning their fate as dissolute Delawareans with a truly bleak future.

Dr. Jill, who told Vogue post debate For a cover interview, you would “keep fighting”! Hunter, convicted in one criminal case and facing another, infiltrating his father’s high-level meetings in the White House!

And where was Kamala, Joe’s “amazing partner”?

Not in the White House.

Please reprimand the United States for its

Please berate America for its “character” as the shameless Dr. Jill and Hunter sit off-screen in the Oval Office during this speech, surely bemoaning their fate as dissolute Delawareans with a truly bleak future.

Dr. Jill, who told Vogue after the debate for a cover interview that

Dr. Jill, who told Vogue after the debate for a cover interview that she would “keep fighting”! Hunter, convicted in one criminal case and facing another, intruded into her father’s high-level meetings at the White House!

No, Kamala is already campaigning, beaming with joy at her incredible luck, grinning from ear to ear as her clearly declining president suffers this brutal humiliation.

She cannot even pretend solemnity. She is incapable of behaving with a shred of decorum, of saying that, although she dreamed of running for office, she never wanted to obtain the nomination in this way.

No: Kamala relies on her own resources and is the one running the show.

Meanwhile, Dr. Jill is off to the Paris Olympics on Thursday, sucking the last bit of glamour from the presidential teat and leaving her ailing and heartbroken husband to grieve his loss without her.


Biden, 81, spoke of finally passing the torch, albeit a torch that had to be wrenched from his and Jill’s pincer-like grasp.

He spoke pedantically of the need for “new voices, fresher voices, younger voices.”

Voices that chuckle, so to speak.

Hey, it’s better than slurred voices that degrade to whispers and crumble, as Biden has done during this long farewell.

If he truly believed in honesty, integrity and character in presidential politics, he would have done the only decent thing: resign from office.

“Nothing,” he said, “nothing” can prevent our democracy from being saved.

That includes you, Joe.

(tags to translate)dailymail

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