Home US Biden completely butchering lines from Lincoln’s inaugural address – and then gets laughs when he jokes about his age after telling audience: ‘I wanna get this quote exactly right’

Biden completely butchering lines from Lincoln’s inaugural address – and then gets laughs when he jokes about his age after telling audience: ‘I wanna get this quote exactly right’

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Before a crowd of state leaders, the president, currently in the run-up to the November election cycle, began reading from a prepared document a quote from the 16th president on the theme of a divided nation.

President Joe Biden, 81, was heard struggling to deliver his speech clearly as he tried to quote Abraham Lincoln at the Governors Ball dinner.

Before a crowd of state leaders, the president, currently in the run-up to the November election cycle, began reading from a prepared document a quote from the 16th president on the theme of a divided nation.

“Standing here in front of this portrait of the man behind me,” Biden said, positioned directly in front of a portrait of Abe.

“I want to make sure the quote is exactly correct,” Biden said before the problems began.

‘He said, “We, the better angels,” said, “We must address the advice and adapt the better angels of our nature.” And we do…and we do well to remember what else he said.

‘He said: “We are not enemies, but [we’re] friends.” This is in the middle of… this is in the Civil War part. He said, “We are not enemies, but [we’re] friends. We must not be enemies,’ Biden said to the silent crowd.

Before a crowd of state leaders, the president, currently in the run-up to the November election cycle, began reading from a prepared document a quote from the 16th president on the theme of a divided nation.

Before a crowd of state leaders, the president, currently in the run-up to the November election cycle, began reading from a prepared document a quote from the 16th president on the theme of a divided nation.

Biden presumably intended to offer his audience one of the most famous quotes from Lincoln’s first inaugural address in March 1861.

‘I refuse to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Even if the passion has been tense, it should not break our bonds of affection.

“The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot’s grave to every living heart and hearthstone throughout this wide land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be.” will be, by the better angels of our nature,” Lincoln said on March 4, 1861.

Biden also addressed Lincoln’s sentiment that he failed to express himself coherently as if he had originally been expressed “in the midst” of the Civil War.

The war began in April 1861, more than a month after Lincoln’s first inauguration, meaning the current president may need to brush up on his history, as well as his speech.

A second after the shrill and confusing reference to Lincoln, Biden made a joke about his age, although not in relation to what had just come out of his mouth.

‘Friends, and I’ve been here. I know I don’t look like it. Although I have been here for a long time now,” she said between lukewarm laughs.

And I say this sincerely: we have gotten (politics has become too bitter) Democrats and Republicans. “Politics has become too personal – and it just is – it’s not what it was.”

A second after the shrill and confusing reference to Lincoln, Biden made a joke about his age, although not in relation to what had just come out of his mouth.

A second after the shrill and confusing reference to Lincoln, Biden made a joke about his age, although not in relation to what had just come out of his mouth.

A second after the shrill and confusing reference to Lincoln, Biden made a joke about his age, although not in relation to what had just come out of his mouth.

A large majority of American voters (86 percent) say President Joe Biden, 81, is too old for another term, according to a new poll.

Meanwhile, 62 percent of respondents in the ABC News/Ipsos The poll says former President Donald Trump, 77, is also too old for another term in the White House.

Fifty-nine percent of respondents say the two main 2024 contenders are too old, while 27 percent think only the current president is old enough not to be considered.

Taking into account only the preferences of their own party, 73 percent of Democrats think Biden is too old and only 35 percent of Republicans think the same about Trump.

Ninety-one percent of independents say Biden is too old, and 71 percent of this voting bloc say the same about the former president.

Those findings come after the Justice Department released a report revealing its assessment that Biden has a “poor memory” and “impaired facilities” and therefore would not recommend charges in the case of classified documents, so he wouldn’t appear before a jury the same way he did. before special prosecutor Robert Hur.

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