Home US Biden admits he ‘doesn’t debate as well as I used to’ after his car crash, but insists he can still beat Trump and ‘get this job done’

Biden admits he ‘doesn’t debate as well as I used to’ after his car crash, but insists he can still beat Trump and ‘get this job done’

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President Joe Biden has no plans to drop out of the presidential race after poor performance in Thursday night's debate against former President Donald Trump

President Joe Biden insisted he can still win the election at his first campaign rally after his disastrous debate performance.

The 81-year-old’s clash with Donald Trump on Thursday over a car accident sparked a crisis within the Democratic Party.

The president used a rally in Raleigh to calm those fears Friday afternoon.

‘I know I’m not a young man. To state the obvious,’ Biden said. ‘Folks, I don’t walk as easily as I used to. I don’t speak as fluently as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to.’

“But I know what I know: I know how to tell the truth, I know how to distinguish right from wrong, I know how to do this job, I know how to get things done,” the president argued.

He also assured the crowd: “I give you my word as Biden.”

“I wouldn’t run again if I didn’t believe with all my heart and soul that I could do this job,” Biden said.

President Joe Biden has no plans to drop out of the presidential race after Thursday night’s poor debate performance against former President Donald Trump.

President Joe Biden insisted he can still win the election at his first campaign rally after his disastrous debate performance.

President Joe Biden insisted he can still win the election at his first campaign rally after his disastrous debate performance.

The president used his 20-minute speech in North Carolina to clarify many of the arguments he tried to make on the debate stage against his Republican opponent.

“I don’t know what you did last night, but I spent 90 minutes on a stage debating a guy who has the morals of an alley cat,” Biden said.

The Democrat used the same insult against Trump last night.

“Donald Trump is a one-man crime wave,” Biden also said.

This sparked a chant of “Imprison him!”

Historically, Trump led his supporters in cheers of “Lock her up!” against his 2016 opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

First lady Jill Biden, who helped her husband off the stage after his CNN mishap, wore a dress covered in the word “vote” and defended her debate performance.

‘What you saw on the debate stage last night was Joe Biden, a president with integrity and character who told the truth. And Donald Trump told lie after lie after lie,’ said Dr. Biden.

He marveled as the audience joined in and called Trump a liar.

Dr. Biden applauded her husband for spending the past few years helping to “heal the country.”

He “helped us recover from the chaos of the last administration.”

“We can’t choose our chapter in history, but we can choose who will guide us through it,” he said. “There’s no one I’d rather have sitting in the Oval Office right now than my husband.”

Behind the scenes there are calls to replace him on the 2024 ballot with just 130 days left until the nominating convention in Chicago.

“Disheartened” White House staffers have reportedly been filling group chats with messages saying their boss’s performance was “ugly” and “abysmal.”

Congressional leaders even admitted that Biden’s performance in the debate, in which he wandered and struggled to finish his sentences, was poor.

But they publicly back their man, who refuses to quit and has even committed to a second debate with Trump in September.

First lady Jill Biden, who helped her husband off stage after his CNN calamity, wore a dress covered with the word

First lady Jill Biden, who helped her husband off stage after his CNN calamity, wore a dress covered in the word “vote” and defended her debate performance.

First lady Jill Biden, who helped her husband off stage after his CNN calamity, wore a dress covered with the word

First lady Jill Biden, who helped her husband off stage after his CNN calamity, wore a dress covered in the word “vote” and defended her debate performance.

A devastating DailyMail.com snap poll on the debate found that a clear majority of independent voters believe Biden should no longer be the nominee.

About 62 percent said it should be removed from the fine.

Biden looked 81 on Thursday night as he repeatedly lost his train of thought and lapsed into silence.

Trump, 78, was able to land his blows as his Democratic opponent struggled to reject some of his most outlandish claims.

JL Partners surveyed 805 independent voters immediately after the 90-minute showdown and found that 68 percent said the former president beat his successor in the White House.

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