Home Politics Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw warns of a ‘threat to democracy’

Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw warns of a ‘threat to democracy’

Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw warns of a 'threat to democracy'

Australian MPs are facing an increasing number of threats to their security, Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw has warned, with reports rising to 725 so far this financial year, up from just 279 in 2020. -twenty-one.

In an appearance before Senate Estimates on Friday afternoon, Commissioner Kershaw said he was “concerned” about the increase in reported threats in recent years.

“In the last four years, reports of harassment, annoyance, offensive and threatening communications against Australian parliamentarians have increased by 160 per cent,” he said.

“Over the last four years, reports of harassment, harassment, offensive and threatening communications against Australian parliamentarians have increased by 160 per cent,” AFP Commissioner Reece Kershaw told AFP.

Commissioner Kershaw said the force had dedicated additional resources to ensure the safety of MPs.

“More activities and events in 2023 attracted a higher level of security risk, requiring the implementation of additional resources and risk treatments,” he said. ‘As of March 31, we recorded a 35 per cent year-on-year increase from 2023 related to movements of MPs assessed as being of significant or higher risk.’

Calling the reported risks against MPs and senators a “threat to democracy”, Commissioner Kershaw added that plans were already underway to plan for the next federal election, scheduled for May 2025 at the latest.

“To federal MPs here today… if you feel unsafe or need advice, please contact the AFP’s security protection diplomatic liaison team,” he said.

Young people radicalized online: Kershaw

At the beginning of his speech, Commissioner Kershaw spoke of the “very worrying trend” of online radicalization of young Australians.

‘We are concerned about the activity identified online, as well as what is happening in the real world, including violence in schools, such as the planning of possible attacks against students and teachers, and the production of explosives or the possession or use of weapons.

Since July 2021, the AFP and its counter-terrorism partners had launched investigations into 27 young Australians aged between 12 and 17, with 60 per cent subsequently charged with various crimes, including advocacy of terrorism, distribution of extremist material and planning a terrorist attack. , or be a member of a terrorist organization.

Despite the allegations, Commissioner Kershaw maintained that the AFP’s priority remained to intervene before terrorism-related crimes were committed.

“When possible, and when there is no immediate threat to the community, the AFP prioritizes early intervention and disruption strategies over prosecuting youth,” he said.

‘Once there is a prosecution and conviction, many lives are seriously disrupted.


Commissioner Kershaw also speaks of the “very worrying trend” of online radicalization of young Australians.

The AFP commissioner added that “significant resources” are needed to manage high-risk terrorist offenders after they have served time behind bars.

“Managing each offender requires dedicated resources, and planning typically begins two years before their release date,” he said.

“For example, the AFP managed and applied extended supervision order conditions to an adult between August 26, 2022 and January 21, 2024. This required around 80 members and 10,300 operational hours.”

Commissioner Kershaw said there were currently 25 high-risk terrorist offenders due to be released over the next five years.

As the AFP worked with therapeutic agencies and services, as well as community and faith leaders, Commissioner Kershaw called on parents to pay attention to their children’s “online nutrition.”

“There is a lot of rubbish and rubbish on the internet and social media platforms,” he said.

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