If your partner has been acting suspiciously and something feels off, you might want to check the Notes app on your iPhone.
Private investigator Cassie Crofts, who splits her work between New South Wales and Queensland, explained how cheaters turn to the note-taking app to communicate with their secret lovers.
The IP, which runs a licensed service called Venus investigationsworks with clients who hire her to uncover the truth about their cheating spouses.
And there’s a “sneaky” sign that many unsuspecting spouses often miss.
‘This is the iPhone hack cheaters are obsessed with. “A lot of people worry about secret messaging apps or calculators that hide secret photos, but what a lot of people use today is much simpler and much harder to detect,” he said in a video.
‘It’s the humble Notes app. Yes, the same place where you make shopping lists and all those draft angry text messages to your ex.
‘If you have an iPhone, you can create a shared note with another person. You can put notes there, talk to each other, delete them when you’re done and you can even put a password on it so no one else can access it.’

Private investigator Cassie Crofts, who splits her work between New South Wales and Queensland, explained how cheaters turn to the Notes app to communicate with their secret lovers.
In the Notes app, you can invite people to collaborate in real time on a note in iCloud, and everyone with access can see the latest changes.
According to Apple, you can set permissions for participants (such as allowing them to edit notes and add attachments), and all participants can see everyone’s changes in real time. Participants must sign in to their Apple account and have Notes turned on in iCloud settings.
“Think about it, the suspicious partner will probably check their text messages, maybe even log into Messenger, but will they really remember to go check the Notes app?” said the private investigator.
Her video has been viewed more than 50,000 times, and one woman confessed that she spied on her partner’s Notes app after becoming suspicious of him.
“Actually, I checked your Notes app,” he said.
Many didn’t know about the hidden feature in the Notes app, with one saying, “Wow!”
“You’re breaking the bro code,” one said, suggesting the private investigator was revealing the secret trick cheaters use to communicate.
“Everyone has been cheating the wrong way this whole time,” another added.

If your partner has been acting suspiciously and your gut is telling you something isn’t right, you might want to check the Notes app on their iPhone.
While another shared: “My ex-husband was having an affair and messaging (his lover) through the Words with Friends gaming app.”
Meanwhile, many said the Notes app’s sharing feature would be useful for other things.
‘This would work well for a shopping list if you receive live updates on both phones. Saves me from sending it all the time,” one suggested.
“This could also be good in domestic violence situations as it allows access to friends and family,” another added.
Earlier this month, the private investigator revealed the number one telltale sign of cheating to look out for, and it’s a small detail that almost everyone overlooks.
Cassie said the biggest red flag is a sudden change in a person’s spending habits.

The PI said the biggest red flag is a sudden change in a person’s spending habits (file image)
“This is the number one cheating sign that everyone misses,” he said.
“Today we are basically a cashless society, so if your partner has always been tap-and-go, using a credit card to earn rewards points and suddenly starts making ATM withdrawals, that’s a route worth following.
‘Cash leaves no trace. If they go to a restaurant and spend $200, you can be pretty sure they weren’t dining alone.
‘But I withdraw $200 in cash? You have no idea what happened.