Home Australia Astrologers raise serious alarm over ‘seriously messy’ full moon this week – so what does it mean for your star sign?

Astrologers raise serious alarm over ‘seriously messy’ full moon this week – so what does it mean for your star sign?

Astrologers raise serious alarm over 'seriously messy' full moon this week - so what does it mean for your star sign?

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

During this Aries super full moon, it is a powerful time to dive deep into self-discovery and personal growth. You are now being called to independence and to let your individuality shine.

If your emotions are running high, use that energy to take action to achieve your goals. Expect some waves in close relationships as your partner adjusts to your new assertiveness. But don’t worry, this is a fantastic opportunity to express yourself and share your message with the world.

You may also now feel drawn to focus on your identity and appearance. Why not treat yourself to a makeover or new clothes?

Embrace your true self and make the changes necessary to go out into the world and develop your personal power.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)

This full moon illuminates your spiritual side. Your dreams, meditations, and day-to-day thoughts may be filled with divine messages from your subconscious. While Pluto and the Sun may present you with some challenges, these are totally manageable.

Some karma may appear; However, if you focus on what’s going on inside your own head, instead of the heads of others, you will be fine and you will shine.

Solving potential problems can give you some long-term advantages if you trust your own intuition. You may meet an insightful woman who can shed some light on a complicated situation for you. Additionally, journaling can also be a great source of self-knowledge.

Now is the time to be more assertive and independent. New opportunities to conquer the world will soon arrive.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20)

Wow, party! Well, it may not feel exactly that way at first. The full moon is forming difficult aspects with Pluto, the Sun and Mars forming a rare Cardinal Grand Cross.

It’s best to try to slow down because there’s a lot of emotional processing to do and you don’t need anything else to deal with. Between the 15th and the 19th is the time of maximum madness, so try to get enough rest at that time.

Although initially challenging, you can work on this so that the positives come to the surface. Catch them all.

However, you also need some patience and clarity to make the best of things. Avoid impatience, hasty decisions, frustration. Go for a walk in nature if you encounter challenging situations.

Also, keep control of your mouth because it may develop a tendency to slip out and move on.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22)

This full moon is your ruler and illuminates your career and life in general. A culminating or peak experience in relationship with parents or authority figures, including employers, may soon arrive.

Reputation and status might also become more important to you now. Be careful not to overshare on social media.

It is time to start working towards ultimate success in various projects, careers or perhaps businesses. A full moon in Aries could also give you more energy, although be careful not to get carried away.

Take care. Maybe walk to work, or at least part of the way? Excess energy could come out of your mouth and it may not be pleasant. Practice patience especially in public and at work.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Well, this is a little exciting. You may feel more energetic and want to broaden your horizons this month.

Spirituality, higher education, reconversion and growth are the order of the month. You may be looking for ways to become more spiritually aligned with what you are supposed to do with your life.

Planning long-distance trips to remote places could also be on your agenda, as a strong sense of adventure wells up within you. Destiny calls.

Maybe they are calling you somewhere you have never been before. If you can’t go anywhere…then try some international cuisine for a change. Even if you hit a rough patch, it won’t last long as this month is all about moving forward.

Aries may tempt you with impulsiveness, however, be the lion you truly are if that happens.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

They are seasons of action this month, as the Aries full moon urges you to move forward with joint assets and investments. Taxes or other joint financial obligations could also be at stake.

Be as always, detailed and organized, and everything will be fine, then take action.

Your stars also show that new projects and endeavors could be your option this month.

You may have a special someone in mind when it comes to intimacy, and if not, you might be wondering if it’s time to find someone special. Try to open your heart, even if you have been hurt in the past, I know this can be difficult sometimes.

You have time to think, so there is no need to rush where angels fear to tread. Like peeling an onion, you will now go to a deeper level and perhaps old problems will rise to the surface of your mind once again.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)

You might feel like you’re walking a tightrope between your own needs and desires and those of someone close to you. It’s not all rainbows and fairy tales, sometimes you have to make important decisions.

Notice I’ve capitalized the ‘I’ there twice, because it’s up to you and only you can make these decisions. Relationships are more important than usual and that’s saying a lot, because relationships are usually your ‘reason for being’.

So, it’s your needs and wants versus your partner’s…you can come to an agreement…of course.

Just don’t overdo it in any direction. But as a Libra, that’s pretty unlikely… you’ll find the balance between getting what you need and providing what your other half wants.

Independent self-discovery and finding solutions is possible.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)

When it comes to your daily habits, routines, and work, you might feel like a change… maybe you’ve been feeling a little jaded lately. So now is the time to make a shift towards liberation.

You need more excitement in your life. Take risks: meet new people, join a new group, or escape somewhere. Now is the time to be a little bolder and act with energy and purpose.

No, don’t dawdle or procrastinate: you know what you have to do, so go ahead and do it.

While it’s great to think about things, sometimes you go too far and get stuck in your head as opportunities pass you by.

You can remedy this situation now. Plus, you might feel better, or at least not as flat as you sometimes are. You can make good profits now, so take action.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)

Fun and games? Well, that’s what you really need now. It’s time for play, creativity and wait for it… romance. The super full moon in Aries is propelling you toward leisure and pleasure, so keep going.

You could also live closer to the child’s world and have more to do with children. Think about yourself as a child and what you went through growing up; You will surely remember some incident that has been seeping deep inside you.

It’s also a good time to socialize and generally walk with friends. Now it could also be a lovely romantic moment for you. So do something special with a special person now.

Try not to be too impulsive, take it slow and let things develop naturally, if you meet someone out of the ordinary.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19)

The Aries super full moon draws your attention and action to your home and family. Watch for impulsiveness, impatience, and fighting words.

You may feel more energetic than usual and want to get on with a project at home, you’re excited, but what about the people you live with? Take a deep breath and practice patience now.

Do what you can do without depending on others. You might be surprised by your own reactions and how deeply you feel your emotions if things don’t go your way.

Remember that patience is a virtue, although it can sometimes be in short supply. You will make it and be successful where you need to be. It is a good time to get in touch with your roots and foundations, including your ancestors and long-lost relatives.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18)

Please take care of your mouth! You might be quite tempted to run it thanks to this full moon. Bold, assertive communications are fine, but don’t overdo it.

You may have a lot of energy when talking, just remember that listening is important too. If you ignore the other person, there could be heated consequences.

Just slow down a little and be the cool, amazing person you really are. Communications from cousins, siblings or other distant relatives may soon arrive.

It is also likely that there will be conversations between neighbors. Maybe studying, promotions or marketing are also on your agenda? Now is a good time for a small course or to learn something independently. You could also spend more time in your local area doing housework and general local activities.

Maybe meet someone for coffee.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Money, money, money, it’s your darling. Your mind is probably focused on your finances and personal possessions now.

Take a deep breath, there’s no point in worrying, but it’s time to take action now. Educate yourself and make adequate and solid financial plans.

Make a budget and write down every penny you spend. Strive to save some money, even if it’s just a small amount. If you stick to your budget, you will feel more confident and stronger.

However, the most important thing is your self-esteem. How much are you shorting yourself? Do you really deserve more money? Maybe it’s a good time to think about this and take some small steps toward self-esteem and “deservingness.”

You are valuable and worthy…believe it!

Fountain: Absolute secrets of the soul

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